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Sans Souci Palace

information about haiti  Cap-Haitien - Haiti, Nord

The Citadelle and the Sans Souci Palace is a memorable excursion that you can do from Cap Haitien, in he North of the country. Its construction was ordered by a Megalomaniac King of Haiti, and was based in Frederic II of Prussia famous Sans Souci Palace, near Postdam, Germany.

You are forced to contract a guide if you want to climb up. For the equivalence of a few US Dollars I was introduced to one of them, but seeing that instead of hiring a burro I decided to climb to the top on foot, he deserted me! (When I went down I did not see him and paid his “salary” to his young wife). People in Haiti are like their famous paintings: naïf.

Once you reach the top the view is breathtaking, one of the most impressive that my eyes have ever seen.

Address: close to Cap-Haitien
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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