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Temple on Blood (Nikolai II death)

information about russia  Yekaterinburg - Russia, Sverdlovskaya Oblast'

When the communists took over power in Russia, they sent the Tsar family first to Tobolsk, and later to Ipatiev House, in Yekaterinburg.
After the murder of Nikolai II and his whole family (by direct order of Lenin), the Bolsheviks destroyed Ipatiev House, where today stands the Temple on Blood.
The night from the 16th to the 17th July 1918, the communists (by direct order of the own Lenin), murdered the whole Royal family in a gold mine in Ganina Yama, at 15 kilometres distance from Yekaterinburg, burned their corpses with petrol and then destroyed them with sulphuric acid. In that place there is today a lovely monastery called Holy Royal Martyrs, with seven churches erected without using nails (unfortunately I only had one day time to spend in Yekaterinburg and could only manage to visit Ipatiev House, and did not go to that monastery, but the visit is very advisable).

Address: Ipatiev House, Voznessenski Street
Sverdlovskaya Oblast'
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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