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The Last Templar

information about spain  Manjarin - Spain

This is probably the most exotic shelter for pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago.
Tomas is the ruler of this kind of primitive Templar fortress (he puts the Templar flag on the top of one of the towers). He has no telephone, no email, no fax or web. He affirms that is the last Templar. During the night he will offer you exotic (and somewhat repellent) brews and mysterious potions that you have to drink straightforward if you do not want to cause him offence. Tomas, then, wearing spectacular clothes and a cloak showing the cross of the Templar Order, will perform in the middle of the night, with the light of some candles, old Templar ceremonies seizing in his right hand his powerful Templar sword.
Being Manjarin a foggy place, Tomas will sound the bells of the tower when you approach his shelter, in order to help you to reach him.

Manjarin is between La Cruz de Ferro and Ponferrada.

Address: Albergue de Manjarin

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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