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The Old Light in Lundy Island

information about united-kingdom  Ilfracombe - United Kingdom

In spite of having in my pages a “Land Mark” for having found Lundy Island, I can not show it up under Travel Tips (I found another Lundy in Haiti!), so I load it under nearby Ilfracombe:

This is a most exotic accommodation in Lundy Island (other are the Governor House or The Castle). You have a two stories house with kitchen plus the Light House (the old one, the new one is near the pier), where you can climb and enjoy a beautiful view of the tiny island resting in a hammock.
The round ticket in the boat MS Oldenburg, sailing from Bideford or from Ilfracombe to Lundy Island, costs 47 pounds.
They have hot and cold running water, electric shaver points and heated towels rails.
Take into account that the given telephone is from the Lundy Island Development Office, in Devon coast, since no accommodation in Lundy Island has telephone, radio or television; indeed you will be in an island very isolated.

Address: Lundy Island

United Kingdom
Phone: + 01628 825920
Price: mid range

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