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Voortrekker Monument

information about south-africa  Pretoria - South Africa

While waiting for my visa to Mozambique I went to Pretoria where I saw a huge building surrounded by a wall with 64 carriages. In its interior was explained the trekking of Dutch with some French an German colons in search of new lands in the north escaping from the hostile British administration. During 3 years they trekked thousands of kilometres (the word trekking comes from this exploit).

But something disgusted me: along 27 scenes I only saw Whites being attacked by Blacks (it was the opposite), Blacks killing each other (Zulus against Xhosas), or the pride to have killed in one battle 15.000 Blacks without a single White casualty…
I felt better when, back in Johannesburg, I heard in a park some natives singing a Xhosa poem:

Nkosi Sikekel’i-Africa
Maluphakanyisw’ Udumo Lwayo
Yizwa imithandazo yethu
Nkosi Sikelela
Thina Lusapho Lwayo
Woza Moya…

What means:

God Bless Africa, Let her fame resound
Hear our prayers, God Bless us, your Children
Come spirit...

Address: within Pretoria

South Africa
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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