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Yusupov Palace

information about russia  Saint Petersburg - Russia, Sankt-Peterburg

This lovely palace offers concerts. I went twice there and was enchanted for the good musical performances and the place itself with rooms in different stiles, neoclassic, oriental, etc. The decoration is very rich with abundant statues, mirrors, chandeliers, and old furniture.
After the Revolution many artistic items from this palace were removed and taken to the Hermitage.
On the ground floor they sell nice souvenirs.
In the subterranean room there is a small museum where it is represented with impressive statues at full size, the murder of the sinister Rasputin by the prince Felix Yusupov.
Felix Yusupov, after the October Revolution, migrated to England, where he wrote a book where he explains about Rasputin.

Address: Naberezhnaya Reki Moyki 94
Saint Petersburg
Phone: + +7 (812) 314-9883
Price: budget

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