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Chimp's by krisek

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information about sierra-leone  RegentSierra Leone, Western Area
One of the chimps in the reserve near Regent in Sierra Leone.
Uploaded: Feb, 11 2008 | Taken: Nov, 12 2007| Viewed: 104 times  | 15 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S3Pro | Exposure 10/1800s, f5.3, ISO 800 | FLength: 200mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

pesu - Mar, 17 2009 07:03pm
Oh, sooo sweet! Tony, how would you interpret this look? ;-)

jacko1 - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
Very sweet Petra, and a touch supercilious don't you think?.

aufgehts - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
Tony, I would say "pensive"...

jacko1 - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
You may be right Jill but would " cogitative" be more appropiate?.

aufgehts - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
Hold on Tony, let me go get my dictionary...

aufgehts - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
Actually, I think "ruminative" is the proper word. Sorry Krys for the out of control synonym search! Your picture makes us think!

jacko1 - Mar, 17 2009 09:03pm
I will add my apology to Jill's Krys, but I still think my first comment was the most apt, pistols at dawn Jill!.

krisek - Mar, 17 2009 10:03pm
Jill, Tony, Petra - I think he was just being smug! They are real posers those guys...

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 06:03am
Krys, we should now all surrender, simple is always the best policy, we will put away the dictionaries!, hehe.

frenchfrog - Mar, 18 2009 09:03am
He he so weet! He is thinking "I knew I should have got hold of that Banana before that guy ate it" or may be " A new Daddy!!! Hey you >> yes you! Can go home with you??

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 09:03am
Or maybe it's just "who the hell are you looking at?".

porto - Mar, 18 2009 12:03pm
I reckon this little guy is thinking.. Charles Darwin was right,you do look like me!

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 02:03pm
Fred, so I look like a monkey, eh?! Nice!!

porto - Mar, 18 2009 03:03pm
Course not Krys,you know what I mean about Darwin's theory,but he is a cute little guy.

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
Fred, okay okay, I will let you off this time :) Thankfully, this is just a theory...

porto - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
Cheers Krys,I am a happy monkey,so to speak!

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
LOL LOL, Fred. :))

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
Excuse me for being dim, what is LOL LOL?.

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 05:03pm
Hehe, LOL = Laughing Out Loud, Tony. Sorry, one of the mobile phone text abbreviations (mobl phn txt abbrvtns)...

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 05:03pm
No need for an apology Krys, I am still trying to catch up with this digital age!.

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