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Chimp in Sierra Leone's by krisek

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information about sierra-leone  RegentSierra Leone, Western Area
This one was posing for the picture!
Uploaded: Feb, 21 2008 | Taken: Nov, 12 2007| Viewed: 33 times  | 5 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S3Pro | Exposure 10/2500s, f5.3, ISO 800 | FLength: 200mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

pesu - Mar, 17 2009 08:03pm
Ooops, what's this? A great pic!

aufgehts - Mar, 17 2009 09:03pm
Krys, how close were you to these chimps? Was there anything seperating you two?

krisek - Mar, 17 2009 11:03pm
I was maybe 20 yards away, maybe a little closer. There was a fence between us - they could be unpredictable those chimps.

krisek - Mar, 17 2009 11:03pm
Jill, it was safe... But some of them were aggressive a little. They had been abused by the humans, and this was a rehabilitation centre.

frenchfrog - Mar, 18 2009 10:03am
It is a shame that people will abuse these sweet little creatures! They are so much fun loving!

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 11:03am
Isabelle, yes it is a great shame, but chimps are also known to commit premeditated murder. They might be the only other creature on our planet beside the humans to do so. I have seen a programme on telly showing chimp gangs. My friends from West Africa told me that chimps could really be vicious and they definitely do not like them. I think the chimps are great and fascinating animals, but I do not live next to their habitat and do not need to deal with them on a daily basis... :)

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 05:03pm
further to recent comments, I read a report wher a 6 year old female achieved a one handed pull of 6k pounds in a rage, a strong human male would struggle to reach 4hundred pounds, stay clear friend!.

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