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Lalibela (ET) - a couple of friends's by krisek

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information about ethiopia  LalibelaEthiopia
I took this picture on Christmas Eve while wandering around Lalibela's rock-hewn churches. I was just finished visiting the upper group of the churches and was climbing down to the village, when I met these two little guys. They were happy to see me and asked me for a photograph. I obliged gladly.
Uploaded: Dec, 29 2009 | Taken: Dec, 24 2007| Viewed: 35 times  | 2 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S3Pro | Exposure 10/3500s, f7.0, ISO 400 | FLength: 18mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh

jacko1 - Dec, 29 2009 10:12pm
I like shis shot Krys, the UK media only portray Ethiopia as a war torn, drought ridden hotbed of corruption, redeemed only by Olympic athletes, how wrong can they be?.

krisek - Dec, 29 2009 11:12pm
Tony, the media are not that far from the truth, actually. Surely, there are great spots in Ethiopia and dream-come-true for travellers - like Lalibela, Gondar, Bahir Dar, Harar, but the government wastes millions of dollars to buy arms and fight wars with Eritrea and Somalia... while their citizens die of hunger... It is really, really sad.

jacko1 - Dec, 29 2009 11:12pm
Krys, while there are people in the world that feel the sadness of things like this the there is still hope for humanity.

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