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Limbe (CM) - a very sad lowland gorilla's by krisek

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information about cameroon  LimbeCameroon, South-West
This is probably one of the saddest photographs that I have taken. The lowland gorilla pictured was sitting against a concrete wall in the Limbe's wildlife conservation centre. It focused on the rescue of endangered apes from capture as pets or food. I do not go to zoos, but I do support conservation projects. So came here as the ticket revenue goes to the salvation of these great animals. Still, the sadness in this gorilla's eyes was heartbreaking.
Uploaded: Jan, 21 2012 | Taken: Dec, 19 2011| Viewed: 35 times  | 6 votes
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D7000 | Exposure 10/800s, ISO 1000 | FLength: 270mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh

pesu - Jan, 21 2012 06:01pm
Great pic - very impressive!

krisek - Jan, 21 2012 06:01pm
Thank you, Petra. I really felt very sorry for this one. Having seen a happy family of gorillas in the wild, and then seeing the footage of the same family being slaughtered, and then this sad one really breaks my heart. Gorillas are such beautiful animals.

basia - Jan, 22 2012 09:01am
Very sad is this gorilla. Really hard to stop the tears. It is difficult to understand that these beautiful, majestic animals are killed. Krys, if there's any opportunity to protest against the killing of gorillas?

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