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London - sunset by the Thames's by krisek

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information about united-kingdom  LondonUnited Kingdom
Today, the evening was really pleasant. As the sun was setting all the way beyond the City of London, the tidal Thames was almost full. I took this with my iPhone, so no high resolution available, I'm afraid.
Uploaded: Apr, 18 2009 | Taken: Apr, 18 2009| Viewed: 25 times  | 3 votes
Camera: Apple | Model: iPhone | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

jacko1 - Apr, 18 2009 06:04pm
You must have a very good phone Krys, this an excellent shot!.

pesu - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
What a wonderful sky.

krisek - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
Tony, thanks. The iPhone has very poor camera compared to some mobile phones that boast up to 8 megapixel sensors. iPhone has up to 3 megapixel, I think. That is rather poor in comparison.

jacko1 - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
Depends how good your eyesight is Krys, do you look at the picture or the pixels? as in hifi, do you listen to the music or the speakers?.

krisek - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
Tony, hehe, I agree about the eyesight and all, but with music ... bad quality speaker can ruin the experience. Once I listened to one of my favourite albums on my friends' speakers and I discovered a whole range of completely new goodness that I have not heard before! I just wanted to share the view of the sunset from tonite, but I know that with my big sexy camera I would have captured it much better. It was more spectacular than the shot illustrates... :(

jacko1 - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
Agreed Krys, but there is a limit to what we can percieve, at a risk of being even more boring than usual, in my opinion the content and composition of a picture is far more important than the quality of the camera, David Baily very often used a compact 35mm Olympus Trip to take pics of the world's most famous models, I still think this a very good and well composed picture, regardless of the number of pixels involved, btw, what's a pixel? hehe.

krisek - Apr, 18 2009 07:04pm
Tony, pixel is the smallest fragment of an image registered by the camera by its sensor (I think the same applies to monitors and TV screens), which like a puzzle create the entire picture. The more of them, they are more tightly packed, the better quality of the entire image. Well, not a scientific or technical explanation, but I hope it makes sense :)

basia - Apr, 19 2009 03:04am
Krys, if I do not know that it's River Thames, I could believe that this is a lake.

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