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Famous french car's by louis

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information about france  Dol de BretagneFrance, Bretagne
One of the most known french cars.
Uploaded: Dec, 03 2007 | Taken: Jun, 01 2006| Viewed: 40 times  | 6 votes

marianne - Dec, 03 2007 09:12am
Louis, Beautiful - shape, colour and sharp.

bineba - Dec, 03 2007 07:12pm
Nice colour composition. In German the car is called 'Ente' wich means duck! No idea why!

marianne - Dec, 04 2007 08:12am
bineba, In Dutch name is 'Lelijke Eend", (ugly duckling). I have always understood that it got its name because the car easily swayed from side to side, exactly the way ducks waddle.

rangutan - Dec, 04 2007 09:12pm
Cute Louis, a classic like the "beetle" or "trabi", seen from the front the bonnet (US: hood) looks like a duck's bill, thus the nickname. I smile when I see the 6-inch wide "marie-biscuit" wheels always too :-) [4.6]

mortimer - Dec, 04 2007 10:12pm
I read a book that told the story of two belgian who drove to cape town in a 2CV. Here is their homepage:

Lovely picture.

horourke - Dec, 05 2007 08:12am
When i visited France in 1961 there was an even earlier version with some of the panels made from corrugated steel. I wonder if anyone remembers the name of that model?

marianne - Dec, 05 2007 10:12am
Hugh, The only name I know is Ripple Bonnet.

frenchfrog - Dec, 05 2007 03:12pm
A 2CV, my dad have one these, they always work and never brake down if you know how to take care of it. Now they are very rare in the streets!
French call it une "Deudeuche" (do' t ask me to translate-play on word)

louis - Dec, 06 2007 10:12am
In Poland was called "brzydkie kaczatko" means "ugly duckling" or "cytrynka" means "lemon".

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