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The most dangerous road's by louis

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information about bolivia  CoroicoBolivia, La Paz
View from one of the stops.
Uploaded: Mar, 09 2008 | Taken: Feb, 19 2008| Viewed: 41 times  | 7 votes
Camera: Hewlett-Packard | Model: HP PhotoSmart R607 (V01.00)+ | Exposure 130/100000s, f4.5, ISO 100 | FLength: 7mm

zrusseff - Mar, 09 2008 09:03pm
Rafal, now driving on that road is an adventure in itself. Mystical mountains, treacherous drive! Nice.

marianne - Mar, 10 2008 08:03am
Rafal, very narrow road and i would not like to drive there. What happens if two buses from opposite directions meet?

krisek - Mar, 10 2008 02:03pm
This is a great photo. What altitude is this? I love the clouds.

louis - Mar, 10 2008 03:03pm
Marianne, If two buses comes form opposite directions, one had to go back !!!

aufgehts - Mar, 10 2008 08:03pm
Rafal, did you know that you can now mountain bike down this road?

louis - Mar, 11 2008 04:03am
Jill, I knew and it was the reason to go there. It was the best journey in my life

rangutan - Mar, 11 2008 12:03pm
I travelled these roads through Bolivia and also in Peru. It was hair-raising, one cannot do anything other than go along with the trip (and pray a lot). After the trip one feels like a sort of hero, or a cat that cheated another life!

dwarfs7 - Mar, 21 2008 06:03pm
I wish i could be there... :-) it must have been the incredible journey, you're lucky!

dwarfs7 - Mar, 21 2008 06:03pm
I wish i could be there... :-) it must have been the incredible journey, you're lucky!

mistybleu - Mar, 21 2008 06:03pm
Great picture; I just slept through it, it was too scary to watch them navagate.

louis - Mar, 22 2008 01:03pm
Joanna, you can believe me that it was the best thing that I made during my trip to Bolivia

eirekay - Mar, 22 2008 05:03pm
Rafal, this is marvelous!

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