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Almost visible's by mistybleu

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information about japan  FujiJapan, Shizuoka
As a back drop is Mount Fuji
Uploaded: Oct, 22 2008 | Taken: Oct, 18 2008| Viewed: 36 times  | 1 vote

robynallen - Nov, 01 2008 04:11am
Mount Fuji has a real fight on its hands to be visible thru all the smog and cloud. When I was first in Japan in 1994 I managed to get a few days of being able to see the great giant mountain. By shear luck a local told me that all the factories shut down over the Xmas period and if I went to Yokohama to the viewing platform at the tallest building( I forget the name) I would get a clear view of Fujisan. It prooved to be true!

mistybleu - Nov, 02 2008 08:11am
If I ever get back to Japan, I will try to get a better picture. But time was short.

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