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Hovercraft's by mistybleu

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Not used nearly as much anymore.
Uploaded: Oct, 24 2009 | Taken: Aug, 08 2009| Viewed: 37 times  | 6 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-N1 | Exposure 10/2500s, ISO 64 | FLength: 24mm

porto - Oct, 24 2009 01:10pm
Good shot Amanda, did you take this one from the shore?

mistybleu - Oct, 24 2009 01:10pm
Fred, no I was on the (slow) ferry.

porto - Oct, 24 2009 01:10pm
Thanks Amanda :)......

krisek - Oct, 25 2009 04:10pm
I was on one of those in Sierra Leone two years ago. Two days after I went on it, it caught fire and sent passengers into the ocean...

mistybleu - Oct, 26 2009 10:10am
Krys what a great escape.

krisek - Oct, 26 2009 10:10am
Amanda, yes - I also thought so. I am not sure why the craft caught fire (I think one of the balloons exploded). It was a good ride, though when I was lucky to get the ride. I do not think Sierra Leone have another one of those, and even if they had, I would still recommend taking the helicopter - for the transfer between the airport and the capital - separated by a very large river mouth.

mistybleu - Oct, 26 2009 10:10am
There definitely safer froms of travel but I'm not sure a helicopter is one of them.

eirekay - Oct, 26 2009 06:10pm
That looks like so much fun!

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