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the difference's by mistybleu

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information about south-africa  Cape TownSouth Africa
A typical home in this part of the township.
Uploaded: Nov, 10 2006 | Taken: Sep, 09 2006| Viewed: 23 times  | 5 votes

picasso - Nov, 10 2006 07:11pm
At least,they have a roof over their head,when it rains or shine,some not.

mistybleu - Nov, 10 2006 08:11pm
Boris, that is so true; so rural areas of Namibia and Zambia seem to have far less.

frenchfrog - Nov, 11 2006 01:11pm
Sad to see that in the 21th century people still live in conditions like that!

rangutan - Nov, 12 2006 07:11am
Did you know? About two-thirds the worlds population live like this, in Africa, Asia and South America - 80%

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