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The mosque on the top of the hill's 2's by mistybleu

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Which picture looks better?
Uploaded: Apr, 02 2007 | Taken: Mar, 24 2007| Viewed: 21 times  | 1 vote

mistybleu - Apr, 02 2007 03:04pm
Any comments - which picture looks better?

rangutan - Apr, 03 2007 04:04pm
Nice snap shot! The other one is very impressive and shows how we can optimise and "touch-up" our presentations using better equipment or software. Photography is an art and we must all work on it!

mortimer - Apr, 04 2007 04:04am
Am i allowed to express my opinion too?
I think this picture here is a more realistic representation of the scene. Correct me if im worng misty, but this is a thunderstorm aproaching with the mosque

mortimer - Apr, 04 2007 04:04am
still in bright sunlight. I think in the other one the sky is much too blue it looses the dramatic effect of the storm approaching. The colors are done up a bit too much it clearly shows the work

mistybleu - Apr, 11 2007 03:04pm
Martin/Rudi thanks for your comments. I'm still not sure which is better, but you have obvously hit the nail on the head, why I can't decide. This depicts a perfect storm and is real.

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