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The same difference's by mistybleu

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information about india  AmberIndia
I was fascinated with the colourful attire of the locals.
Uploaded: Dec, 02 2007 | Taken: Nov, 03 2007| Viewed: 30 times  | 6 votes

rangutan - Dec, 02 2007 06:12am
Sorry about the focus but otherwise a fantastic scene well captured. [4.49] Love it otherwise!
Tip: digital doesn't cost anything, take 3 or 4 or 5 shots to get a gem!

rangutan - Dec, 02 2007 06:12am
... I may be "anal" like others say but this could have been a ***** picture next time round I am sure.....

horourke - Dec, 02 2007 09:12am
Meticulous and seeker of excellence is a better term and i think it means the same as your friends understand by their use of anal(this message is for Rudi)

mistybleu - Dec, 02 2007 09:12am
Rudi, I would have loved to have the time to get the perfect shot, but I was a long way off so you take what you can get.

zrusseff - Dec, 02 2007 04:12pm
Misty, a very excellent shot of the kaleidescope of colorful garments worn by the women of Amber, India.
Thanks for sharing your travel adventures, I, like most people who cannot to travel much, are most appreciative that you have taken the time to upload the memorable moments from which some of us can learn from. Keep up the GREAT WORKS!

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