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Pictures 41 - 60 of 86 Page: 1 2 3 4 5

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Theatre shopping

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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The Arch

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2011-08-26 send as postcard
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Giant spiders

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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I'm forever blowing bubbles

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2007-08-27 send as postcard
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Side view - Notre Dame

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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Gare Du Nord

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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Ummmmh Chocolate...

France - Haute-Normandie - Le Havre2005-03-28 send as postcard
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Parisian suburbs

France - Ile-de-France - Paris1989-11-16 send as postcard
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Eurostar platform

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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The Abbey

France - Bretagne - Saint Michel2012-08-24 send as postcard
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La Defense

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2011-08-26 send as postcard
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Closer still but beneath Sacre Coeur

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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The fiddler

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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La Defense 2

France - Ile-de-France - Paris2011-08-26 send as postcard
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France - Ile-de-France - Paris2008-04-15 send as postcard
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Ferries and the beach.

France - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Calais2013-08-26 send as postcard
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Across the bridge to Calais beach

France - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Calais2013-08-26 send as postcard
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L'Hotel de ville

France - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Calais2013-08-26 send as postcard
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Uptown Calais

France - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Calais2013-08-25 send as postcard
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Dunkirk beach

France - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Dunkirk2013-08-25 send as postcard

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