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The table cloth effect

South Africa - Cape Town2006-09-30 send as postcard
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Information station at Cape Point

South Africa - Good Hope2006-09-29 send as postcard
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Scenic drive

South Africa - Chapman's Peak2006-09-30 send as postcard
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The cape of good hope

South Africa - Good Hope2006-09-30 send as postcard
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Just rocks

South Africa - Table Mountain2006-09-08 send as postcard
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Camps Bay just outside of Cape Town

South Africa - Cape Town2006-09-29 send as postcard
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The Gariep River

South Africa - Orange River2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Setting sun on the banks of the river

South Africa - Orange River2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Picnic spot

South Africa - Springbok2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Wash day 2

South Africa - Cape Town2006-09-09 send as postcard
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Bird nests

South Africa - Orange River2006-09-10 send as postcard
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A little later at Orange River

South Africa - Orange River2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Wilderness flowers

South Africa - Springbok2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Early evening at the Gariep River

South Africa - Orange River2006-09-10 send as postcard
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Cape Point

South Africa - Good Hope2006-09-30 send as postcard
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Local children of the township

South Africa - Cape Town2006-09-09 send as postcard
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The rolling hills

South Africa - Citrusdal2006-09-09 send as postcard
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Table Mountain

South Africa - Cape Town2006-09-30 send as postcard
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Reverse of Chapman's Peak

South Africa - Chapman's Peak2006-09-30 send as postcard
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The old church on the island

South Africa - Western Cape - Robben Island2006-09-28 send as postcard

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