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The Zambezi Waterfront

information about zambia  Livingstone - Zambia, Southern

After being on the road for nearly 19 days staying at the Waterfront was a welcome break. They offer various standards of accommodations from camping, to permanent tents, or chalets etc. I stayed in one of the many camping grounds and found it very pleasant, if not the best camp site I visited on my journey. The facilities were good even though first thing in the morning there was never any toilet paper in the bathrooms; but the staff were prompt to replace them. They had a nice bar and restaurant area shaded by trees right at the water’s edge; also the cleanest swimming pool I'd seen since entering rural Africa.

Address: Zambezi River
Phone: + 000.000.0000
Price: budget

mistybleu 's travel tips
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South Africa
    Good Hope (1)
    Hout Bay (2)
    Muizenberg (1)
    Robben Island (1)
    Barcelona (2)
    Madrid (1)
    Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1)
Sri Lanka
    Colombo (1)
    Kandy (1)
    Sigiriya (1)
St. Kitts and Nevis
    Basseterre (1)
St. Lucia
    Castries (1)
    Soufriere (1)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
    Kingstown (1)
    Bangkok (3)
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