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go skiing!'s by mortimer

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information about switzerland  DiemtigenSwitzerland
shot @ springenbo-den in diemtigtal a tiny ski place with one lift but no people ... go for it!
Uploaded: Jan, 06 2006 | Taken: Jan, 05 2006| Viewed: 40 times  | 3 votes

rangutan - Jan, 06 2006 10:01pm
What are you trying to show with your picture? Common trees and snow? Or couldn't you fit the whole mountain in? Looks like a snap shot (point and shoot) to me, the opera house pic is better *** ;-)

brissiefan - Jan, 07 2006 08:01am
I disagree with Rangutan...I like this, think it's artistic. Dense blue shadow shot through with sunlight, high horizon makes slope very imposing.

davidx - Jan, 07 2006 03:01pm
I'm somewhere in between. The light effect makes what would otherwise be pretty ordinary well worth showing.

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