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My Niece and Nephew in Canada's Rainforest's by murrayskinner

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information about canada  VancouverCanada, British Columbia
The West Coast of Canada contains Canada's Rainforest!
Uploaded: Nov, 26 2007 | Taken: Aug, 05 2007| Viewed: 33 times  | 5 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-P92 | Exposure 10/400s, ISO 160 | FLength: 10mm

rangutan - Nov, 26 2007 09:11am
Murray, is the guy wearing a kilt? Cute kids, they are lucky to have a travelling uncle like you to show them places, my nieces and nephews are too! This pic would be more appropriate in your GLOBO "travel log"? Still worth the try here in the main gallery, the moss in the background is absolute luscious, this pic reminds us of the natural smell of such a forest.

trekkerman - Nov, 26 2007 01:11pm
rangutan should stop dishing out advice that isnt requested ! instead just enjoy the pic and stop being so anal !!
good pic !

jamesrenniks - Nov, 26 2007 05:11pm
nice green Are you sure there is a rain forest there

rangutan - Nov, 26 2007 08:11pm
Trekker=James=Murray? I rated this kindly at a high ** according to basic standards at GLOBO. We are not FLCKR or any other of those other mass volume sites, more than some other members did! I like Murray's pics but where are those of you others? I love good quality or unique travel photography, help with improving peoples amateur photography I hope. Very very sorry that I am so critical sometimes and have hurt all three of you hearts.
I'm taking a holiday everyone, bye-bye

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