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information about germany  BerlinGermany, Berlin
The Olympic Stadium built 1934-1936.
Uploaded: Sep, 03 2009 | Taken: Oct, 24 2006| Viewed: 24 times  | 3 votes
Camera:  HP Scanjet djf4200 | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000

jacko1 - Sep, 03 2009 04:09pm
I hope that the 2012 stadium in London will be up to this tandard but that's maybe a little too optimistic, nice shot though!!.

porto - Sep, 03 2009 04:09pm
Well, you never know Tony,this stadium has stood the test of time and still looks as good today,well worth a visit if you are in Berlin when you go to Germany.

krisek - Sep, 03 2009 07:09pm
It definitely looks great. I am impressed indeed, and on my countless visits to Berlin, I have never ventured there to see it. Ouch!

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