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Eire's Guest Book

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Joined: Dec 05
Points: 26139

Bonjour Eire

Posted: 2007-06-27 10:43 AM   
I love Your album on Tikal, The Maya sites were always on my list, (2009 trip!)
You must have had such a great experience! Have you been to Belize as well?
It was nice and refreshing to see your pics, always a pleasure! (Hope you will get Album of the Month!)

take care



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Vic Falls - Mayan Ruins

Posted: 2007-06-27 08:38 AM   
Hey Eire

Thanks for your comments about my report. It really feels like a million years ago now; but writing reports brings it front of mind.

I enjoyed seeing your slideshow; what amazed me was that there weren't any tourist in your shots, how cool was that!

Some shots were really perfect I hope you get AOM.

All the best



Joined: Jan 05
Points: 6577

Hi Eire

Posted: 2007-06-26 05:58 PM   
How re you? I liked your new profile pic, is it a castle behind you? take care..



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Hello Eire

Posted: 2007-06-22 05:00 PM   
Hi ya,

I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around in a while. You seem to have had another amazing holiday. I didn't realise what a beautiful place Belize is. Also your Guatemala pictures are awesome. I'm looking forward to the reports.


PS sorry for hte pressure - all in good time.


Joined: Mar 07
Points: 1139

Nice holiday!

Posted: 2007-06-21 04:13 AM   
Hi Eire,

Looks like you had a great holiday! Did you cover Belize and Guatemala in one trip? I really liked your pictures from Guatemala.Diving in Belize must have been fun too.As for me, well I don't even know how to swim. But your pictures and pictures from other globo members tell me that I am really missing out a very beautiful part of mother Nature.



Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719


Posted: 2007-06-19 06:19 AM   
Hi Eire

Many thanks for the message in my guestbook. I know you are a very busy person but it's great when you provide info on your home state.



Joined: Mar 07
Points: 1139

Chittaur report

Posted: 2007-06-13 04:06 AM   
Hi Eire,

Thanks for having a look at my Chittaur report. I am glad you liked it.I hope to spare some time soon for coming up with some more interesting trip reports :-)



Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248

Bali reports

Posted: 2007-06-05 07:12 AM   
Thanks for reading my Bali reports. There are more to come but they will have to wait until after my trip to Ireland (leaving this afternoon).



Joined: Jun 05
Points: 4113

Hi Eire

Posted: 2007-05-30 06:11 AM   
How have you been? Hope your daughter had another wonderful trip to India.

Its been a year since we returned to India - now I feel like atleast getting back to USA for a visit - but I'm really not sure when it will materialise.

With best regards to you and yours.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 13010


Posted: 2007-04-18 04:07 PM   
I did not even heard about this tiny islands before, but when you are once in SE asia go there its so quite, so sunny, so picturesque... just lovely.
As I could see, you ve been to india! Next trip planed already? - We are going to the pakistanian himalaya in july and I am so excited about... uuuuu
all the best from Frankfurt

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