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Hugh's Guest Book

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Only this is required of man : to Act Justly, Love Tenderly and walk humbly with the Lord Our God.
(The prophet Micah)

Entries 281 - 290 of 445 Page: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785

Ho Ho Ho Hugh!!!

Posted: 2005-12-24 09:28 PM   
Merry and Blessed Xmas Hugh and family!


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 1005

Hi Hugh!

Posted: 2005-12-23 04:33 AM   
Thanks a lot for signing my guestbook! I have taken a look at your photos, and I really like the photos from Ireland, I wish I get the chance to go there some day!


Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

thanks Hugh!

Posted: 2005-12-19 09:12 AM   
thanks Hugh for your comments on my caviar picture. Of course, I have hundreds of pictures about Kuril Islands and its nature, volcanoes, animals, etc., but I thought that being caviar the main economy of the archipelago it would be interesting to show this factory where I lived for one day.


Joined: Apr 05
Points: 9510

lovely !

Posted: 2005-12-15 05:57 AM   
Congratulations for this photography, it's beautiful !



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Thanks Hugh

Posted: 2005-12-14 08:46 PM   
We (I) should trust the system much more, I over-reacted! Please continue rating like you do. Regardless of individual feelings and emotions I know that a true average is eventually reached for each report and photograph. If only MORE members would rate, this would not have become a problem! Since I rate everything at GLOBO, I saw a small irregularity and should have reported it to staff directly instead of being now being pinned as a bad boy! I'll be quieter now! :-)
Love and Regards


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 20307


Posted: 2005-12-12 02:39 PM   
Hi Hugh,

Thank you for the warm welcome..:-)

At the Ripley's believe it or not Museum there are more than one odd art to appreciate.

For exemple there's a 'Van Gogh' portrait made with over 3000 postcards or even clothing made from dog and human hair.

Quite interesting?

Talk to you soon


Joined: Nov 05
Points: 333

About the pictures

Posted: 2005-12-07 09:42 AM   
Hi Hugh!
I am happy you liked my pictures!
To be telling you the truth, I'm not familiar with the rating procedures yet. I upload my pictures more for fun.
Well, at the moment the weather does not help me make the pictures I'd like cause the light is not clear. I like to captivate the mood of the weather but, most of the times i am not able to picture exactly the beauty of what I see. My camera is also small and new and I'm still learning how it works.
Anyway,the dark shade picture was taken from the balkony of my home yesterday morning and I thought it would be fun to share it!


Joined: Apr 05
Points: 9510

thank's Hugh

Posted: 2005-12-06 02:44 PM   
Hello Hugh,
Thank's for your congratulations, I'm very glad you like it.


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Rating of photos

Posted: 2005-12-05 02:13 PM   
Thanks Hugh
Sometimes I agree with a lousy grade when I look again and then I delete the photo. All my photos of the inside of churches have poor grades - some even have 1* [Norway - last page].
I'm not religious myself but I do think religious observation tells us quite a lot about a country.
If you look through the lasr few of my guestbook entries, you will see that I am accused of having a ghost to give me good marks!


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2005-12-01 08:52 AM   
Hello Hugh

Thanks for your comment, I wanted to include the pictures in a tasteful way, and I've tried not to be graphic within the descriptions. I know it's a watered down approach, but I felt the pictures should speak for themselves.


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