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Thalkirchen: Isarkanal at Brudermüllstrasse's by rangutan

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information about germany  MunchenGermany, Bayern
This channel starts 27km south of Munich at Icking and was built to supply various mills and factories. Today it supplies mainly the "Heizkraftwerk", a massive central heating network for the southern part of the city. There are paths on both sides of the channel cut off here where is meets a six-lane freeway just behind me when I took the photo. A 300m detour and the paths continue...
Uploaded: Jun, 29 2008 | Taken: Jun, 29 2008| Viewed: 39 times  | 1 vote
Camera: Samsung Techwin | Model:  | Exposure 1/45s, ISO 100 | FLength: 5mm | Copyright: COPYRIGHT, 2007 | SW: Adobe Photoshop 7.0

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