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The Achaemenid tombs in Naqsh-e-rostam's by shervin19

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information about iran  MarvdashtIran, Fårs
Four tombs belonging to Achaemenid kings are carved out of the rock face. They are all at a considerable height above the ground.
Uploaded: Nov, 13 2007 | Taken: Mar, 16 2007| Viewed: 48 times  | 4 votes
Camera: Sony Ericsson | Model: W700i | Exposure 1/800s, ISO 100 | SW: R1CA021 prgCXC1250516_CHINA_CR 2.3

rangutan - Nov, 13 2007 09:11pm
A cultural gem to all humanity! Thanks for for your photo of it. Brilliant [4.7]

aufgehts - Mar, 04 2008 05:03pm
Just wonderful....too bad most of us (Americans) have no idea these places exist.

shervin19 - Dec, 02 2008 09:12am
Hence the kings buried at Naghsh-e Rustam are probably Darius the Great, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I and Darius II. Xerxes II, who reigned for a very short time, could scarcely have obtained so splendid a monument, and still less could the usurper Sogdianus (Secydianus).

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