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yocksan's Guest Book

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Entries 1 - 10 of 28 Page: 1 2 3


Joined: Jun 11
Points: 947

Posted: 2011-06-12 06:01 PM   
My is miss zarrina
I am a girl please you can contact
Me directly to my inbox
So that i will send my photo directly to you
In my next mai


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 77

Back from India

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:30 AM   
Awight Bellsy (+ trubble & strife),
Back from India which was orsssum. Toured Rajasthan (Nawalgarth, Jaiselmer, Jodphur, Udaphur, Jaiper) and did a camel trek across the Thar desert. Then to Agra for the Taj/fort etc; then to a national park to wild tigers - amazing. Then I spent a week in Khajuraho in central India and that was excellent and a lot more chilled out. I miss you guys. When are you coming back? I long to see how much greyer your hair has got and to hear your surfer chat, dude.
Have fun in SA. I know you're going to love it.
Cheers pal


Joined: Jan 05
Points: 8

Yippee - contact at last

Posted: 2005-01-20 09:34 AM   
So good to hear from you.
I really have had a problem trying to work this system, it has been a nightmare. I have actually just publically posted a message on our travel log to you guys - before I got this message. Couldn't figure out how to contact you direct!

Well I have your e-mail address's now and will e-mail mail you straight after I get off from here.

x nat & Johnny


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 77

Happy New Year!

Posted: 2005-01-05 10:34 AM   
Hi Yock & Lou,
Happy New year to you both, hope you have a great 2005. You've certainly started it well being not here in gusting rain/sleet/hail and increasingly frequent minutes (or 3 minutes [yes 3 mins - even WW1 & WW2 only get 2 minutes]) of silence.
Enjoy, be happy & flourish


Joined: Nov 04
Points: 6

Happy Christmas

Posted: 2004-12-26 10:04 PM   
Hi Yocksan and Louise. Hope you both had a great aussie christmas. We had a no bad scottish one - just enough snow to go sledging on the golf course which was good fun. All fine and kids now getting some sleep at night. Although its grim I was really glad to read you'd kept to your schedule and are now in Australia and hadn't stayed in Thailand or something. Caught up with Liam at his sisters wedding which was a good ol laugh - him and Mel are going to pop in on their way back down the road.
Bye for now,


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 12


Posted: 2004-12-07 11:19 AM   
hi you two, just read your latest entry, it sounds totally out of this world. i,m getting a bit worried that you won,t want to come back. you both sound very chilled out and i,m sure making the most of all there is to see and do, i can,t wait to see the photos, how,s the digi camera fairing up? as i,m sure you can imagine we,re in the thick of christmas here, trying not to get too caught up in the craziness of it all! we popped in on your mum and dad yocksan and your dad gave us a gorgeous 6ft tree away with us which was great although can you imagine george,me, daisy, bags and a 6ft tree in our small car- a bit of a tight squeeze but worth it, the nicest tree we,ve had. anybay love to you both, romsie xx
ps got your post card-thanks xx


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 77

Who's Rachel?

Posted: 2004-12-06 10:58 AM   
"The claw; the claw!!!"
Hi Yocksan & Lou,
Got your postcard the other day. Some drab looking Thai Island with clear seas and seductive beaches. Looked pish! I'm sorry for you having to be over there when you could be here enjoying a proper Christmas. Personally, I yesterday stepped into a puddle that was so deep, I got my thigh wet. And at least I won't get sand on my turkey and roast potatoes unlike you and I apologise in advance for all the Australians you'll have to meet - they can't help it.
Yours, not in the slightest bit vomiting with envy,
BTW - I'm going to India in Feb - hurray!!


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 56


Posted: 2004-11-28 11:23 PM   
You two sound like your having a great time. Its been said before by everyone below but i'll say tit also - greta travel logs. You two take care and have lots and lots of fun. Remember - You're here for good time, not for a long time..


Take care..

Mike, Jo and junior


Joined: Nov 04
Points: 3


Posted: 2004-11-21 08:13 PM   
Good to hear yer updates guys - it all sounds damn fine. I am particular impressed that you can still sniff out quality cakes on the other side of the planet! Not that I should be surprised.

Keep on Cruise'n. Cheers



Joined: Nov 04
Points: 6

Hello Guys

Posted: 2004-11-18 09:22 PM   
Have you been away that long already? Sounds amazing, it's great to hear what you've been up too - like the rest are saying you should write a book on this stuff. I remember playing Shit Head before - can't remember the rules now of course and Rosemarkie's quite a nice place on a sunny day. Hello to everyone else too - hope you're settling into the oz way of life Peter.

Bye for now,

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