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Woman standing in one of the hutong streets's by spaceout

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information about china  BeijingChina, Beijing
Hutong is the name given to the Ancient Chinese Residentia-l Area. There are mostly destroyed now, but Beijing's is protected by UNESCO
Uploaded: Jun, 29 2006 | Taken: Jun, 06 2006| Viewed: 22 times  | 5 votes

davidx - Jun, 30 2006 06:06am
I am at a loss to understand why somebody rated this 2*. I find it very clear and informative. I hope it rises to at least 4*

spaceout - Jun, 30 2006 10:06am
There is someone on globo who is rating most of my pictures 1* and 2* regardless of the contents. It's been going on for a while

frenchfrog - Jun, 30 2006 11:06am
Vicky it reminds me time I was there, people were playing badmington in the street and even invited me to play. Picture might not be the nicest; it is a hutong, I think it is 4* for what it represents

rangutan - Jul, 02 2006 06:07pm
VK/David, clear, quality & informative true life "backstreet" portrait. I like this kind of info too, someone might not have liked the construction aspect, even tho' it is part of routine everywhere!

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