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Krys's Travel log

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Welcome to my travel log! You will find here a lot more than in the travel reports, stripped from political correctness. Enjoy!

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Feb 12, 2010 09:00 PM Cappadocia - flights booked!

Cappadocia - flights booked! After speaking to bmi diamond club, I managed to book flights to Cappadocia. Flying out of London Heathrow, which I have not done for a very long time (I really dislike that airport), via Istanbul, as direct flights are not available. Not at the moment, anyway. The returning flight was problematic, as I will need to change planes twice! First in Istanbul and then in Zurich. I am not very happy about that, but I did not want to pay for the ticket, so I had to compromise. Tough luck!

Feb 10, 2010 09:00 PM Puerto Rico (?) - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continued

Puerto Rico (?) - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continued Well, after Martinique, there is Puerto Rico. Now, it is a US territory, but the Puertoricans have become a little tired with 'Americanisation' and started contemplating a breakaway strategy. This is what I have been told. The island is relatively wealthy (compared with many US states, including the debt-laden California) and they would have no problems with independent managing of their land.

I have posted a few nice shots from the capital, already. And I do not have photos from elsewhere on the island, so I will not upload any more pictures at this stage, I do not think. Perhaps I could look up what I have in the photo-bank on Saint Lucia (probably not that much, given the terrible weather there) and Saint Martin - Sint Maarten...

Feb 09, 2010 09:00 PM Martinique - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continues

Martinique - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continues Now, it seems I have not posted anything about Martinique, no travel tips, no travel reports and not a single photograph. I do not have that much material on this island, as I was there only very briefly, but I have a few interesting shots, and if I find time, I might even produce a short travel report, my Muse permitting, of course. But I should not expect this to happen soon, I'm afraid. Too much work at work at the moment.

For now, there will be photographs coming in. I can promise these shortly. The photo above features the miniature of the Basilique du Sacre Coeur. But this one is set up on a hill (like the one in Paris) with a little bit more dramatic background! It obviously is not a miniature as it might sound, but a smaller version of the Paris's magnificent temple.

Feb 08, 2010 09:00 PM Dominica, Grenada - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continued

Dominica, Grenada - Caribbean Fortnight appeal, continued The uploading continues... I have revised Dominica, posted a few photographs, added two travel tips and updated the report. Many of the photos feature the black beaches of this volcanic and green island, full of hills and rivers.

Next one in line was Grenada, but it appeared that I had given this island more consideration than others, so I just posted one additional picture featuring the very photogenic La Sagesse Beach, where I stayed. And that will probably be enough, until I will go Grenada again.

Feb 07, 2010 09:00 PM Curacao - continuing with the Caribbean appeal

Curacao - continuing with the Caribbean appeal I know that my Caribbean Fortnight appeal is over (thank you all those few, who participated!), but I think I will continue my uploading. I just added a few shots from Curacao... I skipped Cuba, as I noted that I had already posted a good number of photos before. I will come back to it, when I am finished with the rest.

Now, I will move to Dominica, as I realised that I did not upload a single shot from this magnificent island before. I hope I can make an interesting collection for you all, there should be beaches, some forest, and a few examples of the architecture...

Feb 06, 2010 09:00 PM Planning for 2010 travel

Planning for 2010 travel So far, I have been rather stupidly busy at work, and I have not even thought about planning trips. But when I started this weekend, I could not decide. It would have been great to go all the way to a remote island of the Cook Islands to see the total eclipse of the sun, but it was so awkward to arrange everything in time that I dropped the idea.

Now, I thought that I should go and check Brazil. Finally! But I also miss Africa very much. It has been January 2008 when I was in Africa last. Too long.

So, initially the plans are: Tunisia for Easter (March/April); Utah, US - for the Iron Man race (May); Western Balkans - Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia (June); Bosnia & Hercegovina (July); Brazil (August); Cappadocia (August); Serbia (September); Gabon, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Ghana for Christmas and New Year (December/January)...

These are still just speculations. I will see what I manage to arrange. The European escapades should be fairly easy to fix, even the Cappadocia in Anatolia should be rather straightforward. The only uncertainty is Brazil - I am just waiting for TAM to join Star Alliance in April... And then, of course, is the holiday balance and the budget to consider ;)

Jan 30, 2010 09:00 PM Tczew (PL) - driving back

Tczew (PL) - driving back And after the entire Saturday spent with the family, the time came to do the road trip all the way back to Berlin. Again 7 hours of driving. This time, the road conditions were much, much worse. It must have been snowing at night, and this being Sunday, the snowploughs were not yet on the roads.

But it was not cold. The sun was shinning practically all the way to the German border, which in fact is no longer a border at all.

Jan 28, 2010 09:00 PM Tczew (PL) - I do not even know how long it has been

Tczew (PL) - I do not even know how long it has been It was a long ride; Berlin - Kostrzyn - Gorzow Wielkopolski - Walcz - Czluchow - Czersk - Starogard Gdanski... All about 7 hour-long drive! And snow was everywhere. Up to Czluchow, the road was black, sun was shining and the forest looked like from a fairytale. Then, it got a bit slippery and it was snowing.

Apart from a short visit to the Carrefour supermarket, I saw nothing in Tczew. Just passed by a few new residential areas, and that was it. I was glad that I took my heavy duty mountain trekking boots. No shovel meant that I had to do a lot of snow kicking to get the car moving.

Jan 27, 2010 09:00 PM Berlin (DE) - just passing through this time

Berlin (DE) - just passing through this time This time, I will only be passing through Berlin. A tragic string of circumstances and a terrible coincidence meant that I had to extend my trip to see my family in Berlin and ended up going all the way to the banks of the Vistula river. The destination was Tczew.

Berlin was cold and, I think for the first time, I saw so much snow in Germany's capital! I did not go anywhere on Thursday, just chilled and spent an evening with my cousin. Normally, we would have been out and about in the city jumping in a cellar club.

Jan 26, 2010 09:00 PM 3 million visitors!

3 million visitors! And as I missed my first million of visitors', and then my second million of visitors', I also missed my third million of visitors' mark.

Had I not gone to the cinema last night, like a normal civilised person (to see James Cameron's 'Avatar' in 3D at London's largest screen at the IMAX theatre, by the way), and rather stayed at home and watched the visitor's numbers nearing the 3,000,000 I might have caught the moment.

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