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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 271 - 280 of 2968 Page: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Nov 09, 2022 12:00 AM Last day on Polynesia...

Last day on Polynesia... It is time to pack my backpack again. Tomorrow early in the morning I have my return flight to San Francisco. I decided to relocate myself to spend the last polynesian night close to the airport. After breakfast the friendly owners of Fare Rea Rea gave me a lift to Opuhinano house in Pamatai, whete I stayed before my expedition. The lady here offered me ripe papaya from her garden.
It was 32 deg Celsius today but I decided to take a walk to the public, white sand beach located west of the airport and Intercontinental Hotel. It was 5 kms walk each way to the Parlk Vairai, where the beach is located. I must tell you it is nothing special. There are many yachts anchoring in little bay and you cant rent a kayak to sail. The water is shallow. But you must be there to know that... I am getting reaady to the big jump to South America...

Nov 08, 2022 12:00 AM Day on Moorea

Day on Moorea The closest Society Islands island, visible from Tahoti is Moorea. Some travellers say that it is even more beautiful then Tahiti and comparable to the famous Bora Bora.
I have been to Moorea twice - but it was many years ago so I decided to go there today again.
The transport to Moorea os easy: two competing ferry lines sail there every two hours. They offer 50% discounts fot seniors so I paid for the ticket 1180 CFP (10 USD) each way. The ride took us 40 minutes. It is worth to be on a open upper deck on approach to Vaiare port in Morea since the views of the lagoom and shatp mountains are breathtaking.
Morea has a ring road along the coast (some 60 kms). In the theory two buses going opposite directions should meet each ferry. They charge 300 francs. But I did not see them there! Local driver gave me the the lift (make sure in advance how much money he expects!)
Going to the north it is absolutely must to stop on the roadside viepoint overlooking Sofitel hotel - the view is incredible! I was walking onward is the heat to the picturesque Cook' s Bay. Then French divers gave me the lift to the second, also nice bay Opunohu. Unfortunately weather changed from sunny to cloudy. Even with with some light rain. After taking pictures I started my walk back to the distant (22 kms) ferry dock. After 4 kms a car stopped just near me and young driver offered me the lift. What a solidarity, hard to believe! My guardian angel was Duncan from Luisiana, USA. Interesting traveller, hiking here the green mountains. Thanks a lot, Duncan! I was on time at the dock for the return ferry. Tahiti was on the horizon under the umbrella of cumulus clouds. What a day!

Nov 07, 2022 12:00 AM Waterfalls of Tahiti

Waterfalls of Tahiti You know that I am great fan of the waterfalls. There are waterfals on Tahiti, so how can I miss them? Probably the easiest access is to the 3 falls in Fa’aurumai Valley. To get there you have to board in Papeete the public bus going east to Taravao (it will cost you 300 francs payable to the driver) Ask the diver to drop you at "cascades" stop. There is a sign showing the way to the valley (right) Take the narrow asphalted road uphill - you will see waterfall in the distance. After about 1 km walk you will reach car parking. There is a map of the falls on display. The entry is free. You have to cross the bridge and just after there is a fork of the trail. Right trail (easy) after 5 min will take you to the bottom of the highest Cascade VAIMAHUTA.
This waterfall is single drop and around 100 m high. Great pictures here! Back to the fork I took later the left trail - this 15 minutes more demanding climb through the lish, tropical forest. Somewhere in the middle you will cross new suspension bridge. And eventually the trail will led you to the observation point. Both waterfalls HAAMAREMARE RAHI and HAAMAREMARE ITI) are visible from one point. Nice! Once you will be back on the main road it is worth to see local blowhole just 100 m away at the tunel entrance. Not so impressive if you saw the blowholes of Samoa, but somethin intresting too...

Nov 06, 2022 12:00 AM Baptism in Papeete

Baptism in Papeete It is Sunday today so I took a walk to the catholic cathedral. They celebrate the mass only early in the morning (5.50 am) and in the evening - at 6 pm. Because the wrong information I was there before 10 am - just on time to assist the baptism ceremony of the 2-years old boy arrived from the far away atoll where they do not have the priest. They were plying guitars and singing. The ceremony was more or less like in my country, but after baptism the boy received immediately two flower necklaces and a crown made of fresh flowers. The family took a lot of photographs (me too) and then I was allowed to congratulate and took the picture with the boy and his parents.
It was not raining in the morning and I received optimistic prognosis for tomorrow.

Nov 05, 2022 12:00 AM Pomare V - the last king...

Pomare V - the last king... Today I made an excursion from Papeete to the tomb of the last king of Tahiti. Every bus heading to the east of the island can take you for 200 francs to the village of Arue. Then it is a 10 minute walk to the coast and you will see first new catholic church surrounded by the giant breadfruit trees and then - a single tomb, 4m high with a kind of vase on the top. Some locals joke that Pomare V was a drunker, that's why the tomb is decorated with a vase. :)
The true is that he was pressed to abdicate in 1880 by France. Tahiti and islands became French colony...
It is cloudy on Papeete and from time we experience warm rain. I wanted to take the ferry to other Society Island but as long as it rain it doesn't make any sense: the cost ist high like 60 USD each way and it is not a pleasure to walk in the rain... Even warm rain! :)

Nov 04, 2022 12:00 AM Boulevard in Papeete

Boulevard in Papeete Along the waterfront there is nice boulevard with a rows of stylish, white lanterns. Recenly they refurbished the park between the stréet and the shore locating there a nice monument of real-size Tahitian canoe. I was lucky to see there today's Youth Festival. The grass under the palms was occupied by the hundreds of Tahitian teenagers playing games, singing and dancing. Between them Monument of Autonomy was standing reminding year 1984 when France decided to give to Polynesia some independency. Rain in the evening. Mosquitos became active. Bring your repellent with you! They do not have malaria here, but it is not nice to be bitten!

Nov 03, 2022 12:00 AM Fare Rea Rea

Fare Rea Rea Finally I have the access to the free internet! Here, on Tahiti little pensions are called Fare - the House. My fare is separated from the noisy street by 6-m high live bamboo fence. We have 10m pool and guest kitchen on big verandah. Rooms are all in the rustic style with shared bath and toilet. Substantial breakfast with cheese and eggs of your choice is included. I pay 5000 CFP for the single room with a/c. Last expensive dormitory bed costs in Papeete 3500 weekdays and 3900 during weekend. So the place I stay is worth to recommend. Hosts are helpful, well organized and speak fluent English. Let's rest! But bring your earplugs because the street noise! :)

Nov 02, 2022 12:00 AM Rainy Papeete...

Rainy Papeete... Our ship arrived to Motu Uta - commercial port of Papeete at 7.00 am. Cloudy and light rain. They wanted us to disembark as soon as possible. Youy paid your bill, no more smiles... We are not in the center of the city where you embarked. I have 3 kms to walk to my pension. Before I asked for my final bill. What a surprise! Yesterday I won the trivia on the ship and the award was one free coctail in the bar. I was drinking with the satisfaction and pleasure. A now I see my coctail added to my bill. What a shame! It took them 15 minutes to give me refund in cash. They did not expect that O will check my bill!
Walk in the rain is not a pleasure. I decided to take a taxi. But the taxi did not arrived within an hour. Fortunately a sailor from the crew was going home by car. He gave me the lift! Soon I was in front of my pension on Avenue Pomare V. Thank you!

Nov 01, 2022 12:00 AM Stormy return to Papeete

Stormy return to Papeete We had very nice weather during ou 10-days loop around the islands pf eastern French Polinesia. But today... The ocean became rocky already in the night. All day of Nov 1st we experienced rough sea, wind, rain and cloudy skies. Thanks God this day was scheduled as the day at sea only, so we did not lose much... In the late afternoon the crew offered us some local music. Then there was farewell dinner with the glass of wine. Tomorrow morning I expect to be back to Papeete.

Oct 31, 2022 12:00 AM Hikueru, Hikueru...

Hikueru, Hikueru... During the two nights and one day we returned to the waters of Tuamotu. Hikueru Atoll where we landed today is 15 by 9 kms wide and has only 275 people of population. We entered the beautiful, turquoise lagoon via the narrow canal. Locals were waiting for us on the short pier playing the music and greeting us with the flower necklaces... Hikureru is very neat and has many frangipani trees planted in front of the houses. I meer the mayor of Hikureru - very nice old man, smiling and shaking everybody's hand. They have high catholic church, but it is closed, requiring restoration of the interior. We met all locals at their cultural place near the little lighthouse. They were playing music, singing and dancing. There were funny kids. Teenagers brought huge coconut crabs to show us (diameter till 50 cm) - see picure. You can buy and boil such a crab here for 3500 CFP! Great day!

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