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Wojciech's Travel log

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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 291 - 300 of 2968 Page: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Oct 18, 2022 12:00 AM Emotions from the beginning

Emotions from the beginning It was lovely, stll warm autumn day in Gdansk. I went with my backpack to the city bus 122 heading to the airport. No bus on time! Fortunately it was possible to combine two other buses - 157 and 210 to be in the airport still on time. Bad news! My first flight to Warsaw is delayed and the staff doesn't know how big will be the deal. Uuuu!!! this must be something serious! Passengers are getting nervous. Some of them has short connection in Warsaw. Not me, I have three hours "pillow". The flight filally departed with two hours delay. Domestic flight: a glass of mineral water and a bun... Poor service! After an hour we landed in Warsaw. The TAP plane landed soon. Relax! I will be in Lisbon late in the evening. Because I had a pillow - I is worth! We will be boardind in 10 minutes...

Oct 17, 2022 12:00 AM New grand voyage!

New grand voyage! It's already autumn in Poland, and I am embarking on another great journey! In fact, they were supposed to be two separate expeditions: one in the spring and the other in the fall. But the covid-19 pandemic has ruined everything. When preparing this trip, I had to combine two expeditions: to the hot Polynesia and cold Antarctica. It will not be easy... But I believe that I will discover for myself new tropical islands and I'll make my dream of seeing the imperial penguins come true. See how it looks on the map. The grand voyage is planned for 40 days. The route is very complicated so please keep your fingers crossed for me! For the ice situation on the Antarctic waters and the weather in the Drake Passage. As long as I'll find free internet access (which is not so obvious on expedition ships), you will find "hot" messages from the road, as always in my travel log.


Sep 25, 2022 12:00 AM F I love you, Amanu!

Imagine distant, flat atoll on Tuamotu. Only 174 people lives here... Barge took me here to the main motu through the narrow canal heading to the turquoise lagoon. At the entrance to the canal stands surrounded by the palms little church of St Paul from 19th century. Wow! The group of local ladies in the flower crowns were waiting for us with smelling lei - everyone got a smile and the flower necklace... The ukulele-guitar band was playing jyst nearby to make us happy... It was only 200 m distance from this pier to the village main square where they were performed polynesian dances. Playing this lovely music while we were tasting local food (what a tasty marinated fish in the coconut milk!). Then I was walking to the end of the main motu to discover paradise beach framed by the palms... Oh, what a paradise! And what a people! I love you Amanu!

Sep 22, 2022 12:00 AM I am finally at home, but infected by omicron!

I am finally at home, but infected by omicron! It was almost midnight when I reached my home in Gdansk. One more exciting voyage is completed! But I was feeling since Frankfurt somehow weak and experienced fever. On the next day somebody brought me the self-test from the pharmacy. Aha - I have omicron, decpite 3 covid vaccinations! Oh, no! - I will try to avoid flights via Frankfurt in the future!
It was necessary to see how is my "Wojtkówka" so I went there anyway. The young cats were waiting for me. There is still a lot of flowers and many vegetables to pick. But first I need a solid rest!

Sep 20, 2022 12:00 AM Involuntary stay in Frankfurt

Involuntary stay in Frankfurt No luck. It was one hour after sch duled arrival when our jumbo-jet open the door near the apron of Frankfurt airport. I was running with the hope from wing Z to the gate A22 (quite a distance) but when I reached the gate nobody was already there. Desperation! In the Lufthansa service desk they rebooked me for the evening flight departing only at 8.30 pm. Seven hours waiting! After 10 hours spent on the night flight. They gave me the voucher wirth 15 euro for the meal, but the prices in the airport are so high, that it means almost nothing. You have to pay 3,50 for half liter of min water and twice more for the sandwich! This was very interesting, fascinating journey but the final... Shame on you Lufthansa!

Sep 19, 2022 12:00 AM In Vancouver again...

In Vancouver again... Sunny morning in Vancouver! I took a solid breakfast and started to pack my small backpack... At 9 am I was already ashore. They even do not check the passport! You are giving them the filled arrival form and you are free to go to the brigth, shinning downtown... There is a little risk - you sign that you are not bringing to Canada any food. But It is long way home so I prepared on the ship few sandwiches - nobody asked...
From the elegant terminal on the Canada Place ther is only 200 m or so to the "Waterfront" subway station. One of the lines (small, automated trains have no human operators) will take you directly to the airport. It cost the senior 3 Canadian dollars. Bad news in the airport! My flight to Frankfurt will be delayed for more than an hour! And this means, that I will be loosing connection to Gdansk! As you can see even now the airlines do not operate well!

Sep 18, 2022 12:00 AM Captain Vincente...

Captain Vincente... Today we are sailing all the day through the Gdand Inside Passage, passing small and big green islands. Watching for the whales (I saw one humpback, but only for the short moment) and sunbathing. At 10.30 I had a chance to meet our captain. He was responsing passenger' questions. Imagine that he is from Uruguay! I asked him how many countries he visited. Not too many, especially in Africa. I introduced myself and chef engineer took our pictures. Nice souvenir!
In the afternoon we went for some 3 hours to the open ocean, and later we took the course through the narrow passage. On the right side it was already a huge Vancouver Island. In the last evening I was listening to the pop standards perfectly played by the musician from the Philippines. And later on I met Katarina and Julien - fantastic Russian - French gymnastic duo performing in our theater. As you can see - the last day on the ship was very busy! :)

Sep 17, 2022 12:00 AM Ketchikan - the capital of salmon

Ketchikan - the capital of salmon What a lovely, sunny weather! In the morning we were sailing through the Great Inside Passage - between small and big islands, watching playing little orcas and enjoying the views.
In the afternoon we docked in Ward Cove - just 7 miles from the historic port of Ketchikan - named the wirld capital pf salmon. But Ketchikan was also important during the Gold Rush Era. Now the township has also industrial face as an important transport hub for Alaska. I walked again old, colorful part of the city with many shops and bars. Sunny weather allows me to take good pictures. Tomorrow we will have full day at sea and after tomorrow I will land in Vancouver for flight to Europe. This fantastic journey is coming to the end!

Sep 16, 2022 12:00 AM Skagway - Alaska Gold Rush city

Skagway - Alaska Gold Rush city No rain today! We dock in the beautiful landscape of the Skagway Bay, surrounded by snowy mountains. Skagway is nicely restored with many houses from the Gold Rush era. You can visit saloons, shops and of course station of the famous White Pass Railway. Thousands of prospectors took this railway going to the goldfields of Klondike. Many jewellery stores offer gold, diamonds and other gems - all for the tourists! Not for me - I was happy yo find town library offering weak free wifi connection to send you this message. I am doing well! I have new friends on the ship and I enjoy the beautiful nature of Alaska :)

Sep 15, 2022 12:00 AM Endicott Arm to Juneau...

Endicott Arm to Juneau... Early wake up. At 7 am I was already on the deck and our ship was entering narrow fjord -they call it here arm. Steep walls both sides, low clouds and the mist. We were sailing slowly more than an hour to rech the dead end of the fjord where the Dawes Glacier is located. It was cold outside, but fantastic view of the glacier and minor icebergs floating around.
Than we sailed to the capital of Alaska - Juneau. Wow! So many changes since I have been here with my son 30 years ago! Juneau is much nicer and still small. I took the aerial tram 550 m up to the Mt Roberts. Nice view from there (if no rain). The only point offering free internet is library located on the top floor above multi-storey parking!

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