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Madain Saleh tombs's by wojtekd

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information about saudi-arabia  Madain SalehSaudi Arabia, Tabøk
The tombs in Madain (they say there are about 130 of them) are less ornate than those at Petra but they are better preserved... Many of the tombs and dwellings at Madain Saleh are surprisingly still in good condition and are really stunning.
The facades of tombs are carved out from the mountains. Just above almost all the gates there are various decorations like eagles and snakes.
Uploaded: Dec, 30 2007 | Taken: Nov, 29 2007| Viewed: 88 times  | 7 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DCR-HC85E | Exposure 1/425s | FLength: 19mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

rangutan - Dec, 30 2007 04:12pm
5* I do not know where to focus on this photograph because there are so many details and possible highlights to explore. Wish higher resolution 1024?

downundergal - Jan, 03 2008 03:01am
Wow. Another amazing landscape! These formations are amazing and the tomb entrance is just the highlight.

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