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Mango seller...'s by wojtekd

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information about comoros  MutsamuduComoros, Anjouan
Poverty... She is spending whole day sitting on the sidewalk..-.
Uploaded: May, 27 2006 | Taken: Dec, 02 2005| Viewed: 180 times  | 8 votes

mortimer - May, 27 2006 04:05am
Great shot! Perfectly composed everything in focus and a very good clarity! A picture that tells a story. Wonderful :-)

marianne - May, 27 2006 04:05am
Very much 'daily life'. In big it is eaven better as her features are clearer

rangutan - May, 27 2006 11:05am
.... not perfectly composed - a step to the right would omit the table & get the whole matt into the picture. BUT, we cannt plan a shot quick enough, the subject notices the camera & gets all shy!

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