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Nabatean Tomb's by wojtekd

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information about saudi-arabia  Madain SalehSaudi Arabia, Tabøk
Madain Saleh was once inhabited by the Nabataeans some 2000 years ago. The place is called "Second Petra", since Petra (located in Jordan) was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom. These are unique pictures from unique place. It is not easy to come to Saudi Arabia as a tourist. If you manage that you need a special permit from Riyadh to visit Madain Saleh.
Uploaded: Dec, 30 2007 | Taken: Nov, 29 2007| Viewed: 80 times  | 10 votes

rangutan - Dec, 30 2007 04:12pm
5* Top rare pic, thanks Wojtek! This is also a good example of correct "compilation" which a lot of photographers don't always remember!

mistybleu - Jan, 01 2008 06:01pm
A really view of this tomb. The background is also awesome.

downundergal - Jan, 03 2008 03:01am
Marvellous picture from a place well off the beaten track for most.
The rock formations are amazing.

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