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 You are here: North America » Canada » Vancouver »
Uluru A Poor Man's Foreign Vacation 
Vancouver, British Columbia, is a massive city with something for everyone. For the wildlife, there'... more

Uluru Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 
No matter how many times I return to Vancouver after traveling to other parts of the world, I am alw... more

Uluru Vancouver Is A Great City 
Every day we went to a place we liked or spent time with family or friends. I still can't sit for a... more

Uluru A brief stay in Vancouver 
Vancouver has a certain feel to it - welcoming and friendly. If I had to choose a city to live in, i... more

Uluru One of the largest Canadian Cities 
Vancouver is the Canadian Hub for most international, over the Pacific, flights. Therefore it has th... more

Vancouver B.C. is one of the most beautiful cities on the globe! You can go for snowboarding and wat... more

Vancouver - maybe the best city to live in (at least in summer, as there is a lot of rain in winter)... more

Uluru Vancouver B.C. North Americas Most Beautiful City 
If not the most beautiful, definitely near the top of the list. This Multicultural city has somthing... more

Western Canada 
I lived in Vancouver for a year in 1980. It is beautiful, temperate, but smoggy. People are easy and... more


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