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Quebec travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Quebec, Canada!

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Travel guide to Quebec
Hotel in Quebec
Hotel in Quebec
The old town of Quebec City is listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the best preserved colonial town in North America, north of Mexico. It is also the only North American town that is fully walled over. The architecture is unmistakably French but there are a few British hints in the style following the colonisation by the Brits. Narrow alleys, small stone town houses with coloured window frames. And the citadel! A complete fortress with ramparts and barracks. What an incredible place indeed. Some restaurants and cafes put their tables in the pavement just like in France. There are two parts of the old town, the upper and the lower. The upper had been more posh with churches and places where nobility lived and the lower was more attached to the harbour. The lower old town is even more picturesque than the upper part! It feels yet more French. The little stone houses have wooden window shutters! There is a little square with a church and a petite statue of Louis XIV! So cute! [edit text]  [editors]

Quebec's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (7)    Travel tips (13)    Pictures (191)    Members (20)

Travel reports on Quebec

Author Rating Date
The completely walled over city in North America. 
Quebec,  Canada 
krisek  rating  2011-05-17
Québec City, Winter Wonderland 
Quebec,  Canada 
anna_moon  rating  2008-04-26
Charming and Hospitable 
Quebec,  Canada 
spaceout  rating  2004-08-06
Old french style neighbourhoods In Quebec 
Quebec,  Canada 
jelloo  rating  2004-09-03
Quebec,  Canada 
andreas  rating  2002-06-03
more travel reports on Quebec (7)

Travel tips on Quebec

picture place / location rating / by member
Chez Marcel Bistro

Chez Marcel Bistro

Canada - Quebec greentoes
Bistro sous le fort

Bistro sous le fort

Canada - Quebec spaceout
Musee de l'Amerique francaise

Musee de l'Amerique francaise

Canada - Quebec spaceout
Chateau Laurier

Chateau Laurier

Canada - Quebec spaceout
Le Petit Chateau

Le Petit Chateau

Canada - Quebec spaceout

more travel tips on Quebec (13)

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