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Ecuador's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 9 of 9 

Island time in Puerto Villamil  Uluru

The volcanic islands, located 1000km off Ecuador's coast, inspired British naturalist Charles Darwin...

Ecuador on a shoestring  Uluru

Most of the people arrive to Quito by plane, making their first experience with the high altitude. <...

Introduction to the Galapagos Islands  Uluru

The Galapagos Islands are not cheap to visit - but they are also not as expensive as what most peopl...

Galapagos, wonders of nature....  Uluru

San Cristobal.
This island has 558 square kilometers and its highest point is 730 meters. Th...

Tourist Town Extraordinaire...  Uluru

Banos is a unique place with hand-made taffy being stretched on a post and sugar cane stalks being g...

Nestled between Nine Volcanos 

Ecuador is to South America like Malawi to Africa or Switzerland to Europe! Its a quiet little count...

My last travel to the Enchanted Islands  Uluru

The Galapagos Islands are one of the best places for photography, its wild life are fearles and harm...

Quito - city in the Andes 

Quito, a city with a population of 1.5 million, is the capital of Ecuador. At 2800 m of altitude it...

St. Peter on a hill and train to the Devil's Nose 

Clinging on to the hillside, the town centres around a main street with a small fruit market at the...

About Ecuador
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Pictures (151) Members (30)
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