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rangutan Quito - A travel report by Rudolf
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Quito,  Ecuador - flag Ecuador -  Pichincha
9198 readers

rangutan's travel reports

Nestled between Nine Volcanos

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One of eight countries we visited in South America, this was the most unusual. We arrived somewhat big-eyed and dumb, only realising later where we had really been! (no pictures)

Ecuador is to South America like Malawi to Africa or Switzerland to Europe! Its a quiet little country that somehow goes forgotten and seldom gets involved in neighbouring affairs. Just getting there is amazing, one is dropped by plane from Brazil or other american cities into a valley somewhat like landing at the old Hong Kong airport. Quito and Ecuador have a human history which reaches back to 3600BC. I thought that the whole world was centered that time around Africa and the middle east! Anyway, also notable is that the the Incas were only around between 1000 and 1534 AC and Ecuador has its own place on the globe. The spanish arrived in 1534 after the furious innhabitant war and quickly formed a colony that collapsed and made way for a very (relatively) early independance.

Favourite spots:
Mitad del Mundo: one of the few spots in the world where one can stand, as simple tourist, on the equator. About an hour (22km!) from the city, and quite a grandious plaza. Nearby (best by taxi) is also a fantastic view into the dormant Pululahua volcano, now farming fields in a flat basin about of 1000m diameter.

What's really great:
Only videos, but this stuff!
Only videos, but this stuff!
Learning Spanish for the first time! Comming from Brazil, we had already got some experiences in portuguese and our vocabulary in latin had grown some what. Our accent (english orientated made things worse) was dreadfull but the locals were sympathetic and somehow understood our hand language.

The people are very short, altitude it is said, and so the public buses not that big. We had to half crawl to our seats, then our knees not fitting the space infront of us. Expect some kid or granny to sit on your lap if all the seats are taken, happened also in Manaus!

The people all look the same, particularly watching a football game, players all the same height, hair style (pigtails) and statue.

TIP for non-english speaking countries: find students to help you out. The younger might be learning english in school or have to do with the internet.


Palacio de Gobierno

A massive statue of an angel overlooking the city and great view

The Market

We quickly chose one of many hotels right in the city center, a bit of flexibility and acceptance makes it easy.

Where people are and work they eat. At one coffee stop we waited patiently for our order till it was indicated that the hot water was on the table and the coffee (liquid essence) was in the (we thought) worchester-sauce pot!

Other recommendations:
Theres a cute little lake halfway to the equator which we went back to for a nice day hike around the farms and village there.

Outgoing place for the Galapogas Islands!

Usefull Websites: (great!)

Published on Thursday September 30th, 2004

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Thu, Nov 02 2006 - 11:53 PM rating by ronellevan

Nice report, wish you had written more though, I like your writing style.

Sun, Jan 15 2006 - 03:06 AM rating by frenchfrog

Very informative report, lots of info on local population. It sounds a very exiting place to visit. thank you for including usefull websites.

Fri, Oct 01 2004 - 05:50 AM rating by bear495

This is nice, Rudi. It is too bad that you didn't have any pictures. That would have really made this more interesting. I would have liked to see some photos of the volcanoes, since I am teaching about that subject this week.

Thu, Sep 30 2004 - 09:08 PM rating by ravinderkumarsi

hii rudi
yours this report is nice too
but why dont u put some pic into it

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