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Mexico's best travel reports

Reports 11 - 20 of 56 
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Acapulco – Mexico  Uluru

Situated where the Sierra Madre Mountains meet the sea the name Acapulco conjures up images of dazzl...

Isla Mujeres - One of my all time favourite destinations!  Uluru

Isla is a respite from all the tourist hustle and highrises across the water in Cancun. It offers cr...

Papantla - flying men and ancient civilisations  Uluru

Papantla is a small, sleepy little town but it's so nice and friendly it's a good place to spend a f...

Land of Sun and Fun (and Romance)  Uluru

Cancun is an island located on the Carribbean side of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It was built...

Sontecomapan and a special Mexican family  Uluru

We were lucky enough to meet up with Juan and Lucy Vega who invited up to stay with them at their "e...

Palenque - Revisiting the Jaguar Serpent  Uluru

Personally, more than any other ancient ruin in Mexico the setting of Palenque conjures up the most...

Honeymoon on the Mayan Riviera  Uluru

Our more than 8000 km trip started on the 13th of March 2000. We bought the trip through a company c...

Monterry - City of Mountain  Uluru

Monterrey is the capital city of the state of Nuevo León in Northern Mexico. It counts about 4 mill...

Fun in medio nowhere  Uluru

The city is about the same size as San Cristobal, lacks a bit on the old churches-side, but I found...

Colonial Campeche  Uluru

Campeche feels like a Spanish colony mistakenly placed in the 21st century. The city is still surrou...

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