Joined: May 05
Points: 41629
Amigo Gerard!
Posted: 2006-01-01 08:33 AM  
Gerard, mira mi foto sobre el monumento de La Perouse en Kamchatka. Creo que sera interesante para ti.
Feliz Ano Nuevo 2006!
Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121
hi, gerard
Posted: 2005-11-10 12:51 AM  
it's belle. have u remembered me? i'm the first one signing in ur guest book. haven't seen u for a long time. how are u doing recently? i just want to greet u and recommend a website made by me to u. www.chinasanya.com. it's about Hainan, where i'm living now, the southernmost city of China. also a only tropical city in China. all the words were written and translated by me. if u have time, pls have a look at it. if u find any mistake, pls let me know. and i also hope u could leave a message on our message board. coz i need friends like u to help me to activate this website. ur any suggestions are appreciated. thank u in advance!
keep in touch!
Joined: May 05
Points: 41629
Gérard, regarde mes nouvelles photos du TAAF !
Posted: 2005-11-07 07:19 PM  
Je viens d’ajouter a Globo environ 70 nouvelles photos des Terres Australes, surtout des animaux et aussi de l’intérieur de la bases d’Amsterdam. Je pense qu’elles peuvent t’intéresser pour les passer à ta copine.
Au revoir
Joined: Jan 05
Points: 6577
hi Gerard
Posted: 2005-10-23 11:46 AM  
thanks for your comments about my Norway album, I missed there so much and I want to go north of Norway one day, to pollar tour maybe to see the beauty and midnight sun of course, keep in touch..
Joined: May 05
Points: 41629
Bonjour Gérard!
Posted: 2005-10-13 11:57 AM  
Merci pour tes commentaires sur mon report du TAAF. Je l’ai écrit en pensant a toi et a ton amie qui doit voyager bientôt a Crozet. Il faut le souhaiter du courage !
Au revoir
Joined: Jul 04
Points: 15194
Posted: 2005-10-12 06:16 PM  
I'm glad you liked the report. If you need any info on Japan for your trip, let me know and I'll do my best to help.
Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4803
thanks alot:)
Posted: 2005-10-11 11:51 PM  
hi mr. gerard:)thank u for ur respect..i'm so happy if u enjoyed my photos,i'll put some later
Posted: 2005-10-10 01:56 AM  
bien reçu ta carte et ton message
Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785
hiya Gerard
Posted: 2005-10-09 02:56 PM  
thanks! and glad you shared the same sentiments... hope to upload more pics into the slideshow later.
speak soon,
Joined: May 05
Points: 41629
Tu as raison !
Posted: 2005-10-09 06:14 AM  
Salut Gérard!
Merci pour ton mel. Oui, tu as raison; lorsque j’aurai un peu de temps je préparerai un album avec les photos de Crozet, Kerguelen, Saint Paul et Amsterdam. J’attends toujours les instructions de « rangutan » (Rudi) et le management de Globo pour ajouter la destination de Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises, comme il faut, car sous l’île de la Réunion n’est pas correct.
Au revoir