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The footprints are gone.'s by hieronyma

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information about canada  Queen Charlotte IslandsCanada, British Columbia
I was supposed to stay on top of the beach to avoid the large sandbar that would lead me straight into the sea and which I would then have to hike back.
Suddenly the footprints that have accompanied me for so long are gone. Why is my predecessor changing the trail? There can only be one reason: I'm on the sandbank. So I climb up the gently sloping beach, scramble over the first chain of washed-up tree trunks and overlook a receding bay. In front of me is a second barrier of logs. Huge, thick trunks, stacked on top of each other. I have to exceed that. Not so easy to keep your balance, the trees slide, the backpack slides, but nothing beats my shoes, they don't slide.
Uploaded: Jan, 20 2023 | Taken: Jul, 16 1985| Viewed: 0 times
Camera: Canon | Model: CanoScan 8400F | SW: CanoScan Toolbox 4.8

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