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Papaya Cafe

I went to the Papaya Cafe twice. The second night, I solidified my opinion that the bands playing live there have either excellent players or some phenomenal singers. Even before I downed a few Chill Out Baby’s drinks (based on coconut liqueur), I managed to appreciate the quality. The blues and rock’n’roll night was particularly good for vocals. A lady, larger than life, could sing anything - all sitting on a stool. I was genuinely impressed. And I am not easily impressed.

Almost all the waiting staff and the bartenders at Papaya were very friendly. One of the guys was definitely too friendly, but I think I managed to manage him. They all
obviously knew my name and did introduce themselves to me, but I never remembered their names.

Drinks coming at about $5 were not cheap, but all were superb. The decor of the places was also very nice with excellent ideas how to present the Lombok masks.

Address: Jl. Raya Senggigi, Lombok
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Phone: + no phone
Price: mid range

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