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The Royal Thai

information about united-kingdom  Darlington - United Kingdom

The Royal Thai restaurant at Parkgate street, which is actually lined with a few restaurants serving various cuisines, including Italian and Turkish is rather inconspicuous. The menu is classic Thai, although Pad Thai, the flag dish of any reputable Thai restaurant, is placed at the very end of the relatively long list. Starters, including prawn-based wrapped in won ton pastries were in May 2009 £5-£6, chicken red curry £7, and plain boiled rice £1.50, and Singha beer £3. The service is swift and food presentation is great. The starters are really big and delicious. The curry looked and tasted a but like mild-ish yellow curry rather than like the red curry should be - fiercely hot and yummy! The restaurant plays instrumental Thai music and lights candles on the tables.

Address: 94-96 Parkgate, Darlington, DL1 1RS

United Kingdom
Phone: + 44 (o) 1325 361 717
Price: mid range

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