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Joachim's Guest Book

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Welcome to my guestbook! Please feel free to leave me a note. :-)

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Joined: Aug 06
Points: 92

xiaoxiao from China

Posted: 2006-09-06 01:23 AM   
your picture is nice.
i also have many travel pictures in China and i would like to show everyone.


Joined: Aug 06
Points: 3423

Hi Joe

Posted: 2006-09-03 03:59 PM   
Thanks for the message in my guest book.



Joined: Aug 06
Points: 3423

Hi Joachim

Posted: 2006-09-03 12:45 PM   
It was interesting to see your pictures and the map on your report.



Joined: Dec 03
Points: 1258


Posted: 2006-08-17 02:24 PM   
Hola Joe!
I'm havng problems with my Opera and Internet Explorer. You can contact me on Yahoo messenger, sioned.rm (introduce yourself or I won't answer)

I've moved back to Europe and am happily ensconced in Madrid. You are of course welcome to visit :-) I have a guest room.

I was just thinking about you's been awhile since we've talked. I hope to be doing a lot more travelling in Europe again now that I'm back.


Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075

Diskussion über Inhalte

Posted: 2006-03-25 05:42 PM   
Hallo Joachim

Vieleicht hast du die Diskussion über gewünschte Inhalte bereits etwas mitverfolgt. Wäre toll wenn auch du dich dazu äussern würdest.
Hier der Link dazu:

Wir sind gespannt auf deine Meinung.
Marianne und Martin


Joined: Jan 06
Points: 1261

You're welcome

Posted: 2006-03-19 02:52 PM   
I'm going to the Caribbean in April and I just wanted to know what I would expect. Unfortunately I'm not going to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It does look that good though.


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 20307


Posted: 2006-01-06 07:38 PM   
Hi Joachim
sorry about the lag..
Thank you for the accurate information regarding Berlin. I will try to update it shortly.
Talk to you soon


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Hey Joachim

Posted: 2005-12-21 06:58 PM   
Thanks for visiting my site. I really enjoyed going to Peru and glad I could share my experiences.

I also had a look at your site, you also have some nice shots. I noticed that you have been to the caribbean. Not many members seem like they go there. The picture of Tobago Keys is lovely, the water is so blue. Just brilliant.

I also went to Union Island, I didn't even know there was a hotel on the island. It's so small with just two villages.

Will you be travelling soon?


Joined: May 05
Points: 41629

Hi Joachim!

Posted: 2005-10-16 08:07 AM   
Thanks for rating my reports. I am glad that you liked them.


Joined: Dec 03
Points: 1258

Thanks Joe

Posted: 2004-12-31 12:17 AM   
Hey Joe,
Borneo is fabulous. I'd highly recommend it to anyone. I've had a good holiday in spite of being worried about all of my friends and their families. One of my two islands was underwater for a couple of days- knee deep. I delayed my jungle trip for a few days so that I could keep abreast of the news.

It's devastating. All of the New Year celebrations in Sarawak, Borneo have been canceled as a mark of respect.

I understand. It's hard to think of celebrating with tens of thousands more dead everyday. These are our neighbors.

I hope your New Years is a good one any way!


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