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Best traveller year 2005. Dani Serralta espanish, polaco Wojtekd, and inglis Davidx

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Posted: 2006-04-07 21:29:00   

You are right!

Yes, the picture belongs really to Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), a personage to whom Dani Serralta feels much identified for his common passion to archaeology.

Dani Serralta never travels with whip, and in that picture, if you place on it your mouse for a while you can read a phrase from a Rudyard Kipling book, I think “The Man Who Would Be King”. This fact I have just discovered today, while consulting Dani fabulous web site with amazing pictures and philosophical text.

By the way, both, daniserralta and wojtekd are back at home from their respective exotic journeys. Hurrah! Soon they will delight us with their recent travel stuff.


isaac molina

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Posted: 2006-04-13 22:52:00   

Regarding the best Globo members travellers, I inform you that Wojciech Dabrowski has just sent me a message in my guestbook advising me to have a look at his personal external web page with the news of his recent odyssey to the Antarctica in a Russian ship.

Look for yourself, is amazing: even the picture of Ernest Shakleton asked by daniserralta is there. You will hallucinate!

It is a pride to have in Globo members like daniseralta and wojteckd!

Just my two birrs (Ethiopian currency)

isaac molina

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Posted: 2006-04-14 19:43:00   

Marianne, following your advice in this forum (see page 4) I have tried to put my information about Venice and Croatia in Globo but I do not know how it works. I have never done it before. Perhaps in under travel tips?)

Please, give me instructions. Thank you very much.

I was born in Argentina but live in Spain

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Posted: 2006-04-15 19:05:00   

Marianne, please, I too want to learn how to post travel information in Globo, because I know of good nightclubs and discotheques in Zaragoza and Barcelona and would like to share with the Globo members.

Thanks you very much in advance for your help.


By the way, I am starting to collect information regarding the member’s travels during 2006 and will submit you the results in January 2007.

(The title for the best unofficial Globo traveller of the year 2005, to be fair should be ex aequo between daniserralta and wojtekd).

For the time being I have the following movements of the candidates to receive the unofficial title of the best traveller of the year 2006:

- wojtekd has made an extraordinary ship journey of 38 days in the Antarctica and South Atlantic islands. In summer he will fly to China and North Korea. He is the numero uno, for the time being.

- mistybleu was in Italy, soon her bank will send her to Budapest and in September will spend her holidays in Africa. She is number two, so far.

- gloriajames was in India, then in Dubai to a wedding, and soon will travel to Europe with her boyfriend. She is number three for the moment.

- ihs1193 has been in several Caribbean islands in a cruise. He is a young promising candidate.

- marianne was in India recently.

- ravinderkumarsi is in Shanghai having problems with the food.

- ta-shi travelled around Mexico and then flew to Tunisia, but could not get into Libya.

Some other candidates are:

- downundergal soon will fly to Tokyo and then will travel to Andalucia, in Spain (If she comes to Barcelona I will invite her to a romantic dinner)

- spaceout is planning a trip to China in June

- eirekay is almost ready to fly to India

- daniserralta keeps silent for the moment, but I am sure that he is preparing a new risky adventure to surprise us.

The race has just started and seems interesting.

Why not select unofficial Report of the Year, AoY, PoY and MoY selected among 12? Of course, member of the Year 2005 and probably 2006 should be awarded to the omnipresent and helpful rangutan.

Just my two Chinese Yuan

isaac molina

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Posted: 2006-04-16 17:22:00   

Isaac, Please, put me in the list of candidates together with Dani Serralta.

This automn plan to take trains to the world: Moadrid to Berlin, then Berlin Moscow, transiberian until Bloodivostok in Russia, ship to USA, train to the East Coast of USA, boat to England and a last train to Madrid.

I hope that this plan will materialize. I will write you.

Saludos pibe!

I was born in Argentina but live in Spain

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Posted: 2006-04-16 19:47:00   

Jesus and Isaac,

1. This is how you upload Destination guides:

Click on ‘guides’ in the yellow bar at the top of the page,

Click on the continentyou want to write about about,

Choose a country, choose a city and write your destination guide.

When you write a destination guide you will get 5 points, if you edit one you will get 1 point, if you make major changes you will get 2 points.

It is best to write destination guides from an objective point of view, so avoid using : I, me, mine, we, us, our.

Click on: edit this text.

When you have contributed any member can add to your text, or correct spelling mistakes. When you click on: editors, you can see who contributed.

Destination guides are public and everyone can add to or change the text.

2. Travel tips are personal. Click on: travel tips in the blue box on the left. (the same box where you click for reports). Follow instructions and create your travel tip. Try to give an accurate and complete description. It is also very good to include prices and in what year these prices were valid.

If I did not explain things clearly enough, just let me know.


“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson

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Posted: 2006-05-01 17:44:00   

Best Globo Traveler during the year 2006


Based on the members Travel Logs and in some comments in their guestbooks, I have selected some candidates to receive (in January 2007) the unofficial title of Best Globo Traveller during the year 2006.

The candidates should, at least, have travelled 1 month (30 days) to be included here. Trips for working reasons do not have the same value than the individual travels with the purpose to discover the world.

As I have said in a previous message, the winners during the year 2005 were ex aequo (50 %) daniserralta and wojtekd. Congratulations to both of you for this unofficial title.

Today, 1st of May 2006, the situation of our Globo travellers is as follows:

- wojciech travelled around South America, Antarctica and South Atlantic islands from 15 February to 7th April , total 53 days, and now, since 24th April he is again on the road, this time in North Korea and will go back home end of May, so, approximately 80 days. He is in the first place, so far.

- daniserralta arrived home from his epic voyage to Africa on 18.03.06. That means, 77 days of travel during the year 2006. He is in Barcelona now, against his will, machinating his next exciting adventure soon. He plans to make an around the world journey in 80 days without using planes, like Phileas Fogg. With 77 days he is, so far, in the second position.

- marianne is in third position with her two month travel to India (tahnks for your nice India reports), plus 1 week in UK. Total, aprox. 70 days.

Once more, these two intrepid travellers are the most serious candidates for the 2006 title, but this time marianne is following them at short distance, and she is the first lady clasified.

Other promising candidates with less than 1 month of travel, so far, are:

- gloriajames went to India, then to Dubai and Greece. Total, about 30 days.

- ravinderkumarsi is in Shanghai, but not for traveller’ reasons.

- mistybleu has many plans for this year: Central Europe, Africa…I will follow up.

- downundergal soon will come to Europe and I will compute her days.

- spaceout will join the race soon. I will follow up.

- ta-shi counts so far with her trip to Mexico and Tunisia, about 1 month only, being generous.

- rangutan maybe will travel to Philippines this year.

If some other promising candidates are not in the list and want to participate, please, notify me in order to add you.

I will keep you regularly informed of the developments. This is becoming thrilling!

Just my two rand

[ This Message was edited by: isaacmolina on 2006-05-02 12:55 ]

isaac molina

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Posted: 2006-05-02 10:58:00   

Hi Isaac,

To make things easier for you I will now tell in my travel log where I am going.

I like your initiative as this will make people use their travel logs more.


“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson

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Posted: 2006-12-25 00:33:00   

Although I have been very busy the last months with a new job, from time to time I have checked Globo (invisible, without connecting myself) to follow the members travel developments.

After much deliberation and calculation I have arrived to the following conclusions:

Most travelled Globo male members for the year 2006 have been:

1st position: vagamundos (Carlos, Globo pioneer member, since 2002). He is very well known in Spain, and many Spaniards and South Americans fans follow his web page (also in English version), or his interventions in Spanish TV and radios. There he recounts his wonderful journey of over 6 months in the countries of the Far East, mainly Philippines and Indonesia, where he travelled without interruption from 7th January to 18th July 2006, date when he flew back to La Coruna, Galicia, Spain, to prepare a new 6 months journey for the year 2007, as he uses to do every year. Total days on the road during 2006: 192 days.

2nd position: wojtekd. I checked in his Travel Log his first journey, from 15th February to 7th April (South Atlantic Ocean islands). Total 50 days.

Second journey, from 25th April to 2nd May. China. Total 26 days.

Third journey, from 18 September to 3 November. (Central Asia). Total 46 days. Fourth jouney: Around the world, from 19 November to 31 December (the rest of his RtW journey, as from 1st January 2007, will be calculated for the year 2007). Total 42 days.

Total days on the road: 164 days.

3rd position: daniserralta. He is presently in Barcelona, working during the nights in the reception of a four stars hotel called Cotursa Rossello, dreaming with his future project called “Around the world journey in 80 days”, but in 2005 he performed an intrepid solo adventure journey along Africa, arriving home on 18th march 2006, and so he has been on the road during this year 2006: 77 days.


Most travelled Globo female members for the year 2006 have been:

1st position: Travelingcake. She is a new member, from Illinois. I understand that she started her African journey beginning September 2006 (since she was not a Globo member before that date I only counted the days as from her membership date). So, she has been (and is), so far, until 31st December, 110 days on the road.

2nd position: marianne. She promised me to make me easier the compute of her travels, writing a Travel Log, but so far she did it not. Anyway, I have calculated her 2 months travel to India, plus short trips to Rhodes, UK, Prague, Budapest, Baltic States, etc. I will not be much wrong to assign her 100 days; therefore she gets the second position.

3rd position: mistybleu. She was 25 days in Africa, plus she made short trips to the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago), Italy, brief escapades around England, etc. I have collected all this data and recorded her 50 days on the road.

Congratulations for you all!

I will revert with this same subject by the end of the year 2007.

Merry Christmas to everybody, even to non believers (such as davidx), and Happy New Year 2007!

(NOTE: If nobody complains for these figures in the few coming days, I will give these results for granted)

isaac molina

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Posted: 2006-12-25 21:57:00   

What a wonderful idea to have a traveller of the year. I think I just scraped through to third place, but chosing one person to hold the title is great fun and promotes loyalty to the site.

Thanks for taking the time to accumulate the data.

All the best for the christmas season.



"So many places, so little time" ((*_*))

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