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dtcwriter Accra - A travel report by Junfil
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Accra,  Ghana - flag Ghana
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A Journey In The Goldcoast: In Ghana

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It was breezy late afternoon as I descended – boarding EK 781 – in the fertile soil of Ghana, a country in Western Africa. Indeed, it was my first visit to an entirely Black African nation with hospitable people.

People of Accra-Ghana, West Africa
People of Accra-Ghana, West Africa
By Junfil Olarte

(From Escape From America Magazine Vol. 7 No. 1 (c) 2005 Inc. 832-1245 World Trade Center Panama, Republic of Panama

Ghana has a typical tropical climate: two rainy seasons in the northern part from March to June, and September until November; and two dry seasons, the first starts in July and ends in August; the other begins in December and ends in February. The coastal belt of the east is warm and comparatively dry, whilst the southwest is hot and humid including the rain forest areas.

Ghana has an area of 91,843 sq. miles and is located just north of the equator. Its neighboring countries are the Côte d’Ivoire to the west, Togo to the east and Upper Volta to the north and northwest. Half of Ghana is at least 500 ft. above sea level; it stretches from the Gulf of Guinea to the edge of the Sahara Desert.

Favourite spots:
A Ghanaian lady during Ghana's Damba Festival
A Ghanaian lady during Ghana's Damba Festival
The Gold Coast (Ghana’s colonial name) was a British protectorate. Accra, the capital, is one of Africa’s popular cities with a population of 2.3 million people. The name Ghana was chosen for the Gold Coast on the presumption that at least a few of the Ghanaians were descended from inhabitants of the ancient Kingdom of Ghana, which had existed in Western Sudan (now Mauritania and Mali) in the 10th century.

Despite its numerous ethnic divisions and languages that include 56 dialects, English is chosen as the official and commercial language. Among Ghana’s important linguistic tribal groups are the Akans, Fanti, Ashanti, Guans, Ga and the Ewe – speaking people. The Ga, Akwapim and Nzima (a group of tribes in the south) harmoniously created a strong tribal union; the British introduced modern education, commerce and administration in the southern districts of the country.

What's really great:
Historical Cape Coast
Historical Cape Coast
Ghana is a tourist nation with a mixed culture of African and European. Several transients from Belgium, France, and the Netherlands and other countries across Europe used to visit this country for recreational tours and sightseeing. From my time spent in Accra, I was very impressed with the people and the country; during my stay I made many friends, and enjoyed the personalties of the people of Ghana: the people of Ghana are very friendly.

Festivals in Ghana are marked with beach parties, for example, on New Year’s Day and the Rice Festival at Akpafu in the Volta region. Most Ghanaians are Christians, at least 69% of the population, 16% of the population are Moslems, while the rest of the population is still practicing traditional religions. Parliamentary democracy is the system of governance, as mining, lumber, cocoa and light manufacturing are the major industries; the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Japan and South Korea are the major trading partners.

Elmina Castle built by the Portuguese in 1482
Elmina Castle built by the Portuguese in 1482
The famous Cape Coast and the Elmina Castle built by the Portuguese in 1482 (first among such castles along the coast), commemorates the historical trading of gold dust and permanent trading base of the Portuguese. The gold trade was later replaced by the trading of other lucrative commodities – slaves. Nonetheless, Ghana still has a plethora of gold, manganese, diamond, bauxite, and is also one of the largest cocoa producers in the world.

Junfil outside Accra's Kotoka International Airport
Junfil outside Accra's Kotoka International Airport
I was taking my meal in the hotel’s restaurant, when some European guests joined my table and conversed with me. Among them were a Dutchman, 2 Belgian ladies, and a French linguist. We sojourned in the same hotel and shared each other’s perspectives about Ghana during dinner. I found out that they came often to Ghana to visit.

Aside from having leisure and recreation, they found Ghana to be very safe. Ghana is a peace–loving and free country.

Ghana has a stable economy unlike other African States. This is according to a reliable source of information relayed to me by one of the important personalities of the nation. However, risk in Ghana must be given great importance especially to visitors and tourists. At least 20 persons every 24 hours are being infected with HIV in Ghana.

Author with Ghanaian Hotel Manager George Augustt (Global Summer Hotel-Accra)
Author with Ghanaian Hotel Manager George Augustt (Global Summer Hotel-Accra)
Global Summer Hotel

Commodore's Guesthouse

Other recommendations:
Accra travelogue picture
Rampant and unbridled AIDS in Africa is, indeed, one of the indecipherable predicaments of the regime particularly in the AIDS-affected countries. Furthermore, the Ghanaian Government with the support of the Ministry of Health is engaged in a strong campaign against AIDS. It is then extremely important to every visitor and foreigner in this country to be cautious and wary and to avoid harm; and to take precautions against this fatal and morbid malady.

Published on Thursday February 17th, 2011

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