Spring Break is an awaited retreat from a cold Michigan winter. I managed to escape the northern clutches and perch myself along the Gulf of Mexico. No, its not China but its a still a great place to visit especially if relaxing is your top priority.
There were a few different places that I explored on my little vacation. First, I stayed in Fort Myers with a friend's mother and we spent the week eating berries, pastries, sipping coffee, reading, and drinking long into the night. The area has beautiful beaches along the gulf of Mexico (the most popular being Ft. Myers Beach), air boat rides, crocodiles, shopping and plenty of bars plus an hour away is quaint little old village Naples which was perfect for a stroll and quiet dinner. After a very stressful return from 11 months in China, Ft. Myers hit the spot like a good venti iced cinnamon dolce latte.
Favourite spots: |
White sand, blue water, perfect sky... what else can you ask for?
We went to a bar called Hulahans that had live music at night. It was a great band and it only took a few drinks to get me on the dance floor (to everyones amusement). Ft. Myers beach was relaxing but the water was a little cold for swimming. Laying on the beach was relaxing- especially if you enjoy people watching. The area around the beach is filled with basic tourist cheap worthless trinkets so unless you are a sucker for those thinks you aren't missing anything by avoiding the shops. The old village in Naples was really a pleasant afternoon with unique (but pricey) shops and restaurants that smell great (I only ate at one, but it tasted pretty darn good).
What's really great: |
Our Co-Captain on the Air Boat Ride
I think my favorite part of the trip, other than relaxing with Mom Henson (my friends mom) or drinking rum and coke, was the air boat ride in the wetlands. Our guide was amazing and we hunted down four crocodiles who approached our boat and played with our guide. Not exactly like a lap dog, but it was nice to get an up close, in your face experience with these prehistoric creatures. I highly recommend the air boat ride at a place called Air Boat Rides down past naples closer to alligator alley. Its $35 for an hour long ride, and that is really only worth it if you see crocodiles.
Sights: |
Here He Comes...
I was sooo excited!
I think I've covered all the sights. Onto a funny personal story. So, Pierre was treating to drinks one of the nights we went out and I was, well, really throwing the rum/cokes and long island ice teas back. I told him and Mom that maybe it was a mistake to offer to buy a college kids drinks for the night, because we have a tendency to drink a lot of alcohol.
I'm not 21 yet, so every place carded me but I ended up with the drinks anyway.
Anyway, at Martinis it was bike night with a hard rock cover band. Not exactly my first choice in venue but Mom and Pierre were excited. We started the night at Hulahans and I had a lot of fun dancing ot the jazz/motown type music the band played. By the time we hit Martinis my head was swimming and I didn't really care where we went.
(see Other Spots: for rest of story)
Accommodations: |
Crocodiles are super sweet.
Well, I was fortunate enough to be housed by my friends mother. Her husband was out of town on business so she invited me down to Florida for the week.
It was a nice little summer home with one of those screened porches and a heated pool (inside the porch) along a canal.
If I wasn't a broke college student I would buy a summer home down there because I would love to have somewhere to escape life.
Nightlife: |
Closer... closer...
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!
One might think that since I was hanging out with a Mom all weekend I didn't get a taste of the night life but Mom and I went out to the bars almost every night. We had a great friend who was a local and made sure we hit all of good spots named Pierre. He was from "the islands" but I honestly don't remember exactly which islands he was referring to, it just sounded exotic. I want to tell people that I'm from "the islands" and sound exotic. We went to three bars: Lazy Lizard, Hulahans, and Martinis. All three were fun in their own way. Hulahans had a live jazz band, and Martinis had a live hard rock band. Lazy Lizard had a lone guitarist that was amusing at best.
Hangouts: |
mangrove trees. they are rare or something.
I'm not into plants.
I suppose Ft. Myers Beach would be a great hang out. We had fun hanging out there. There is a bar that has a special area where you can rent plastic long chair thingies for $5 and they'll serve you booze and food. We also went to one of those outlet mall places. It was nice to just walk in and out of the shops, eat ice cream, drink coffee and chit chat. Social shopping is always fun. I bought a very cute black dress.
Restaurants: |
Water/sun combo pictures are always so nice.
We didn't eat out a whole lot, but all three of those bars mentioned has menus. We ate appetizers at all of those places. It was all pretty tasty, standard bar fare.
In Naples we ate at this delicious irish pub. It was really yummy. I had shepards pie and oh boy was it yummy. She had corn beef and cabbage. it was the only irish pub in the old village naples area.
Although, all of the restaurants smelled amazing. I bet they are all just as tasty (but a little pricey)
Other recommendations: |
I wanted to try, but he told me no. Who tells me "no" anyway? The nerve! ;-)
There aren't very many kids my age (any actually cuz it was 21 and up) and even fewer in the 25 and under bracket. A guy who was somehwere around my age eventually came over while Pierre and Mom were on the dance floor. He was pretty smooth. First, he walked by me touching my elbow and whispering beautiful in my ear. Then, when he came by the second time he told me how beautiful I was and kissed me full on the lips! Then walked away.
I must have resembled a deer in head lights both before and after the encounter because well... thats what I was. I blushed like crazy, watched him walk away and look back with a wink.
That takes a lot of guts, just to walk up to a girl and kiss her on the lips then walk away.
Published on Friday March 31th, 2006
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Tue, Apr 04 2006 - 11:09 AM
 by jesusferro
I enjoyed your report. Thanks for the freshness |
Sat, Apr 01 2006 - 10:59 PM
by frenchfrog
Very interresting report. Thank you it must amazing to see the crocodiles so close, I will certainly not kiss one, only a baby one! |
Sat, Apr 01 2006 - 10:59 AM
by davidx
Good to hear from you again and good pics. |
Sat, Apr 01 2006 - 06:56 AM
by jorgesanchez
Very pleasant to read description, and good cocodrilos pics! |
Sat, Apr 01 2006 - 03:30 AM
by ravinderkumarsi
wonderful report and nice pictures too. |
Sat, Apr 01 2006 - 01:24 AM
by st.vincent
A nice personal report, full of bars and booze ! Good to read. |
Fri, Mar 31 2006 - 10:25 PM
by rangutan
Nice report written in great party mood and with a lot of alligator pictures. |
Fri, Mar 31 2006 - 09:36 PM
by alfonsovasco
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