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London - A travel report by Nikki
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London,  United Kingdom - flag United Kingdom
3788 readers

abraxas's travel reports

London - City that never sleeps

  4 votes

I have mixed feeling about London, I love it and I hate it. I love the history, the pace at which the city moves and the people. On the other hand I found London to be very much survival of the fittest and can be a very lonely place.

Favourite spots:
My favourite spot in London where I spent a lot of my time was in Covent Garden. I loved the atmosphere in Covent Garden, it was always busy with people shopping and was alive with street performers. In the centre of Covent Garden Markets there is a café that makes, I think, the best waffles.

What's really great:
Hearing the chime of Big Ben in the morning as I went in to work.

London's Soho area is also worth a visit. I got lost there one afternoon which was probably not a very good idea but I found some quaint little shops and restaurants.

Gordons Wine Bar in Villiers Street near Charing Cross station does not look like much from the outside. The bar is located underground in a smugglers dungeon. It does get really busy on Friday nights but not many tourists know about it. It is worth a visit.

Published on Sunday May 18th, 2003

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